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Finished Set - Elemental Dragons (revised)


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*Warning*: This are my first Cards from long ago so expect LOTS of OCG errors. This is the Set. A continuation may be made later:



Effect: This Card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This Card can only be Special Summoned by tributing 1 Pyro, 1 Fiend and 1 Dragon-Type monster(s) from your side of the field. The original DEF of this card becomes the number of monsters tributed to Special Summon this Card x600. This Card can destroy a Level 5 or higher monster without applying Damage Calculation. If you activate this effect, reduce this card's DEF by 300. If its DEF becomes 0, this card is sent back to the bottom of your Deck. You can then Special Summon 1 DARK or FIRE Dragon-Type monster, ignoring any and all Summoning Conditions.


Effect: This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by tributing 1 Dragon and 1 Aqua-Type monster that is equipped with "Congealing Water" from your side of the field. If this card is used to Synchro Summon "Elemental Overdragon", you can pay 1000 Life Points to reduce the Level of evry monster used in the Synchro Summon by 6. If the Synchro Summon is not conducted , Special Summon 1 "Final Chaos - Ice Dragon" from your Hand or Deck.



Effect: "Elemental Plant Dragon" + "Elemental Fire Dragon"

A Fusion Summon of This Card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters. Each time a FIRE or EARTH Monster is Summoned, place 1 Autumn Counter on This Card. By removing 3 Autumn Counters from This Card, Destroy all Plant-Type Monsters, and Special Summon them as "Bald Tree Tokens" Rock-Type with the same Level, Attribute, ATK and DEF as the Destroyed Monster(s), in the same positions as they were (if they were face-down Defence Position, Special Summon them face-up Defence Position). You can also remove 1 Autumn Counter from this Card to Take Control of 1 Rock-Type Monster on your Opponent's Side of The Field.



Effect: "Elemental Water Dragon" + "Elemental Fire Dragon"

A Fusion Summon of This Card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters. When a FIRE Monster is Destroyed, Place 1 Sphere Counter on This Card. When a WATER Monster is Summoned, you can Tribute it to place 1 Sharkskin Counter on This Card. By Removing 1 Sphere Counter and 1 Sharkskin Counter from This Card, you can Special Summon 1 "Elemental...Dragon" Monster, exept "Elemental Overdragon".



Effect: "Elemental Ice Dragon" + 8 Non-Tuner "Elemental...Dragon" Monsters

A Synchro Summon of This Card can be conducted with Non-Tuner Monsters from your Hand. When This card is Synchro Summoned, Destroy all Cards on The Field, except This Card. You can then Special Summon 1 "Overelemental Token" (Level1/LIGHT/Fiend/ATK0/DEF0) for Each card destroyed by this effect on your opponent's Monster and Spell & Trap Card Zone(s). When these Tokens are Destroyed, inflict 300 Points of Damage to the Token's controller.


That is all. Please comment if you liked (or didn't like) my cards. MY first Set!

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