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Garden of the gods part 2 of ?


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I didn't see much of a reason to post the second release on part 1 when it was part 2 so created a whole new post and here it is. (just like last time if you see any errors or have any questions or comments please post them i will be more then happy to hear your feedback good or bad)



Once per turn this card can destroy one card on the filed. If this cards effect is used then it cant attack this turn. This cards effect can only be activated if "Temple of the Gods" is on the field.



Once per turn you can select one spell or trap card from your graveyard and add it to your hand. This cards effect can only be activated if "Temple of the Gods" is on the field.



If you have another card that has "- God of" in its card name on your side of the field this card can attack twice during the same battle phase. This cards effect can only be used if "Temple of the Gods" is on the field.



This card can destroy one face down spell or trap card once per turn. All spell or trap cards that are played by your opponent after this card is played are negated. This cards effect can only be activated if "Temple of the Gods" is on the field.

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where is the Temple of the Gods card? And ay any rate all the pics are unrealistic' date=' along with simple effects





see part 1 for the temple. and i tried to find pics that all looked the same for the monster series and clay figures was the best i could do. and about the effects ill admit these weren't the best effect i could make but when i made them all my good ideas were used up or it would make the card too powerful. ill try to think up of some better ones.

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