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... whats wrong with pics? the doubles was a mistake srry. the buu was a simple mistake and THE PICS ARENT SERIOUS THEYRE CHIBI and dont say mine suck because those two up top(in my opinion) get a ... .9/10 for OCG and bad pics note its not 9/10 its .9/10

oh ya and if im so bad then give me advice, but seriously how can you call the chibis BAD PICS???!

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doubles, OCG, Chibi Ulquiorra looks like he needs a hug. Buu should be an effect, not a vanilla. *Tries to hug Chibi Ulquiorra and gets hit by a chibi Cero.* ok, srry. 8/10. plz fix OCG, I'll even help you on one.

[spoiler=fixed Chibi Ulquiorra OCG]

If this is the only monster on your side of the field, you can attack twice during the Battle Phase


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