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Terra Warriors


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Draedan, add cards from where? Lower the hand discard, down to 2.

Graedon, effect is pretty not-new, and the cost should raise to at least 500LP.

Terra plain, you should discard a card to make them discard a card.


All the pictures are pretty non-Yu-Gi-Oh!ish, and effects aren't too original. 8.5/10 (without Ninetails) EDITED

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Draedan' date=' add cards from where? Lower the hand discard, down to 2.

Graedon, effect is pretty not-new, and the cost should raise to at least 500LP.

Terra plain, you should discard a card to make them discard a card.


All the pictures are pretty non-Yu-Gi-Oh!ish, and effects aren't too original. 7.7/10 It's an okay beginning, I guess.


I'm really not a beginner ya know. I have made and created over 150 cards. I just never bothered to post them until now. That's why I look like a n00b. I know some of my cards have some errors on them.(Draeden) I made these a while ago, and I didn't check them before I posted them. I'll fix them as soon as I can. Nine Tailed fox was an accident though, I didn't even mean to put him in there. I hope you enjoy some of the other cards I will soon post. :?

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