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Yugioh 5D's: A New Era (Everyone is welcome. [BASIC])


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OOC: To start, I haven't watched too much of the series, so I may be incorrect on a few things. But, anyways, here we go.


New Domino City. The new version of what once was the proud city of Domino City, home to the King of Games, Yugi Moto. Then, the Great Split happened. A huge lake formed from a huge explosion, forming around a large island that is now New Domino City. The rest of the city, Satellite, became isolated and ravaged. A sense of anarchy ensued in Satellite, and it has become a patchwork of gang lands.


In New Domino City, things weren't much better. The city was paralyzed, and had no means of communication.


Now, New Domino City is fully repaired. Satellite and New Domino City are on better terms now, and an inter-city tournament has been set up. Everyone is welcome. All sorts of Duels will be done, tag Duels, regular Duels, and the oh-so popular Turbo Duel.



No god-modding, please.

Cussing to a minimum.

No flaming.

No OOC fights, please.

Any cards you made must be approved by me to be used.

I can change the rules.

I'm looking for a co-mod for this thread, so when I'm gone, someone can manage it.

Have fun!






Deck Name:

Turbo Duel Deck Name:

Duel Disk:

Duel Runner:





Have fun, people!

Accepted Characters


Name: Aphras Vigyls

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Deck Name: D.D Destruction

Turbo Duel Deck Name: Hyper Tuning

Duel Disk: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_MtmYtAIPYK8/Rv_zzyHFWAI/AAAAAAAAApw/GZezErld9b0/s400/4z4dzqd%5B1%5D.png

Duel Runner: A blue Duel Runner, with the arm on the side and a panel for Dueling.

Appearance: 5'11", 130 pounds, has lightly tanned skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. He wears a blue shirt with a brown jacket and jeans.

Personality: Smart and calculating, though he takes a while to make decisions. He can get angry easily, and he is willing to defend his friends.



Name: Yomi "Marsuvees" Black

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Deck Name: Clear View, DARKness, and Cyberblaze.

Appearance: 276a371.png

Personality: Evil. Secretive. Convoluted and Scheming.

Other: Is an Antagonist. He is very unknown, and sadistic.

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Guest Tainted Black

Name: Yomi "Marsuvees" Black

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Deck Name: Clear View, DARKness, and Cyberblaze.

Turbo Duel Deck Name: Turbo DARKness, True Fire from Above.

Duel Disk: http://media.photobucket.com/image/duel%20runner/Varinak/Duel%20disks/crimsondiskryodrakecoloration.png?o=18

Duel Runner: Pitch Black Hybrid between Jack and Yusei's.




Personality: Evil. Secretive. Convoluted and Scheming.

Other: Is an Antagonist. He is very unknown, and sadistic.

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