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theme: you must make a creative card that supports zombie/DARK decks (the main concept of both decks is to fill up your Graveyard by milling cards) and pretty much swarming the field

make a unique card

same YCM rules and concept

first to 5 votes win!


winner 3 reps

loser 1 rep


JOIN NOW my card will be posted once you post yours

plz vote and state the reason


Thank You this is the first contest i made have fun and be creative


my card


This card cannot be Normal Summoned, or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned, expect by removing from play 3 DARK monsters with the same name in your Graveyard, and sending the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard. Once per turn during your Main Phase, select 1 monster your opponent controls. During your opponent End Phase, if the selected monster Battle Position changed, Draw 2 cards. When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can Special Summon 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard, with the same Level as the difference of Level between this card and the destroyed monster. During your End Phase you must send 1 DARK monster from your Deck to the Graveyard with a Level equal to the amount of card(s) in your hand. If you cannot, destroy this card and increase the Level of all monsters in your hand by 2 until your 2nd End Phase. While this card is face-up on the field you cannot Normal Summon any monsters.


rodri666 card




When this card is Special Summoned from your Graveyard, you can destroy any number of Level 4 or lower DARK Zombie-Type monster you control and roll a six-sided die for each destroyed monster. Then send 2 cards from either player's Deck to the Graveyard each time the result of the dice is equal or lower than the Level of the destroyed monster(s). Once per turn, you can pay 1500 Life Points add 2 of your removed from play Zombie-Type monsters to your Deck and Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower DARK Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard. During each of your End Phases, destroy 2 cards you control or destroy this card.

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Here is the card:


When this card is Special Summoned from your Graveyard, you can destroy any number of Level 4 or lower DARK Zombie-Type monster you control and roll a six-sided die for each destroyed monster. Then send 2 cards from either player's Deck to the Graveyard each time the result of the dice is equal or lower than the Level of the destroyed monster(s). Once per turn, you can pay 1500 Life Points add 2 of your removed from play Zombie-Type monsters to your Deck and Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower DARK Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard. During each of your End Phases, destroy 2 cards you control or destroy this card.


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well....both members has a great card. both have a good OCG and great effects. rodri is a master of zombie monsters' date=' but this time i vote for darkfire, becuase i want a destructive effect that can kill the opponent in few turns and the darkfire's card has that effect. good luck.



thanks for the vote!

darkfire 1 rodri 1

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