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A Winged Beast Support Card


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And here it is:




[spoiler= [b]Garlowe's Lore[/b]]

When this card is Summoned, treat it as an equip Spell Card and equip it to 1 Level 6 or lower Winged Beast-Type monster you control. Once per turn, by discarding 1 Spell Card from your hand, increase the equipped monster's ATK by 800 points only during the Battle Phase. If this card is destroyed, destroy the equipped monster.





Image credit goes to "One-Vox".

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Increase the equipped monster's ATK by 800 points = the equipped monster gains 800 ATK


Not bad, the image isn't the greatest and the OCG is decent.


It isn't the most creative effect, pretty much a standard Union, but it does support Winged Beast-Types.


Being a Winged Beast would make it more useful in the deck, but it doesn't really fit the image.



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