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Death Note-Spawn of the New Era [Basic][Accepting][PG-16]

Hollow Ichigo!

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Hello hello welcome to my rp please feel free to look around.

This Rp is after the death note anime series/manga series ended


Just shortly after the Death Note was burned Near had another thing on his hands. Misa trying to commit suicide. Near then locked her up in an insane asylum where nine months later she gave birth to Light Junior. In a crazy and psycopathic turn of events 14 years later, LJ (light junior) was involved in a homicide. He murdered seven people, including his mother. The purpose of this was to finish what his father started, the only difference is there isnt a death note yet. Two years in hiding later he was "Given" a death note non other than his now shinigami father. He will finish his fathers legacy as Kira 3, unless someone can stop him.








Date of birth:

Work place, if one:




[spoiler=My App]

Name:Light (Junior,but goes by kira)



Date of birth:7/29/94

Work place, if one: Doesn't work yet





No Spamming

No God Modding

Character Deaths must be approved by me

No new death notes not approved by me



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