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[Preview] I'm good at this. Take notes.

Jazin Kay

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My upcoming complete set is taking longer than anticipated, what with work related jabberings, girlfriend needing time for her ankle, and a mess with my cellphone. Long story. Anyway, I've decided to preview 3 cards from this set that are finalized, but with pending rarities.










The set, created after my favorite video game series of all, will encompass much of the Classic series of Mega Man. Not all games will be covered, as there are simply too many. I've no plans for a second set. This current set will have 100 cards, but I've yet to determine secret rare ratios. I was considering only 2, but we'll see how it goes in planning.


These cards are not up for suggestions for changes, they are only being showcased. If you're relatively new to card creation, study these carefully and you will learn much.



My planned deadline for the set's completion is Halloween. Keep in mind, "planned".

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