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[-The Dark Master-]Shadows converge and shape the future! Destrugere Malicious!!


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[align=center]Assault of Power! The Destrugere Army!


Introducing the very first "Destrugere" Synchro Monster! If you have no idea what I mean, ask me about DREN.


Image Credit: Yangninja



Fun Facts: This card is confirmed for EAPR and is a key Synchro Monster in my upcoming Fan-Fic "Yu-Gi-Oh! Gaiden - The Tournament Dreams"


[spoiler=Pre-Chapter 1 Spoilers]This card is the key to the Main Character (Un-named as of yet) winning the duel of Chapter 1. Long Story Short, the Main Character uses th Destrugere monsters, which consist mainly of Dragons. Knowing this, the opponent slapped "Dragon Capture Jar" in his deck to keep the MC (Main Character) on the ropes. Almost all is lost, atleast until the MC somehow gathers the puzzle pieces of Synchro Summon this card from an Empty Field!


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PICTURE CREDIT!!! That picture is one of the top 10 best I've seen!


Anyways on the card:


Its OCG isnt perfect but oh well.


Effect seems well balanced to be since the only major thing is pierce damage.


@ Rag: It says when its activated. When a trap is negated its effect is still activated but it doesnt effect anything but the card itself is still activated. So even if the trap is negated this card is switched to defense.

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PICTURE CREDIT!!! That picture is one of the top 10 best I've seen!


Anyways on the card:


Its OCG isnt perfect but oh well.


Effect seems well balanced to be since the only major thing is pierce damage.


@ Rag: It says when its activated. When a trap is negated its effect is still activated but it doesnt effect anything but the card itself is still activated. So even if the trap is negated this card is switched to defense.


This card was made to piss of everyone with Mirror Force.


Me: I attack with Malicious!

Opponent: Mirror Force!

Me: Switch to Defense! MF is useless against it!

Opponent: FUUUUUUUUU----


And you notice how it doesn't say "A Defense Position monster whose DEF is---" right? That's intentional =D

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Then...That confuses most. Does that take the place of the battle damage or does it add to it?


Well either way its balanced since EH-Flame Wingman has a harsher effect.


No. It means it has a piercing effect PLUS, even if the opponent's monster is in ATK Position, it's DEF is used for Damage Calculation rather than it's ATK.

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Wait O.o what? This is what I mean


This card attacks...! Dark Magician


Your opponent takes 600 points of battle damage taking them from 4000 to 3400. Then they take Pierce damage of 1000 taking them to 2400.


Thats what I mean.


thats not OP. EH-Flame Wingman has a more OP effect then this since when it destroys a monster with 1800 ATK your opponent takes 200 points of damage then takes 1800 point of damage.


You card is perfectly balanced

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PICTURE CREDIT!!! That picture is one of the top 10 best I've seen!


Anyways on the card:


Its OCG isnt perfect but oh well.


Effect seems well balanced to be since the only major thing is pierce damage.


@ Rag: It says when its activated. When a trap is negated its effect is still activated but it doesnt effect anything but the card itself is still activated. So even if the trap is negated this card is switched to defense.


yeah well even with that I'm not upping the rate for it

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