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The Collector!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Updated/Fixed


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Thanks to ♥Łövëły Łäđy♥ hollowmasrer999 and Zeaux for corrections and ideas to help make this card better (Also my First Holo)


Once per turn, select 1 card on your Graveyard and remove it from play. Then place one Collection Counter on this card (Max. 4). Remove 4 Collection Counters from this card to select 1 monster your opponent controls and equip it to this card. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the equiped monsters ATK and DEF.

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Oh >> omg Spen corrects me again D:


OCG Fix ^^:

"Once per turn, select 1 card on your Graveyard and remove it from play. Then place one Collection Counter on this card (Max. 4). This card gains 200 ATK for each Collection Counter on it. Remove 4 Collection Counters from this card to select 1 monster your opponent controls and equip it to this card. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the equiped monsters ATK and DEF."


Ok....This is so not going to work. To balance it remove the attack gain it gets from the counters. And reduce this monsters attack GREATLY to about 1000 or 900. This because once you gain 4 counters on this card you can equipped a Blue Eyes to it and BAM it has 5700. thats WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to OP.

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Alright now could someone point out my OCG errors to me i would pretiate it



OCG FIX: Once per turn' date=' [b']you can[/b] select 1 card in your Graveyard and remove it from play. Then place one (quotes not needed)Collection() counter on this card (Max. 4) This card gains 200 ATK for each Collection counter on it.You can remove 4 "Collection" counters from this card to equip 1 monster your opponent controls to this card. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the equipped monsters.


Okay, now that that's taken care of. Seems terribly overpowered, gains way too much attack. So not only does it gain ATK for counters, but for the monster equipped, too? How about lower the ATK to uh, I don't know, 1000ish? That way with the equip and counter bonus, it wont be too OP, but it probably still will be...


Don't know what to rate it yet, too OP


Ack! Lovely beat me to it T.T

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My suggestion:


Level 7 | ATK - 2500 | DEF - 2300


Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 monster in your Graveyard to place 1 Collection Counte on this card (max. 4). This card gains 200 ATK for each Collection Counter on it. You can remove 4 Collection Counter to equip 1 monster you opponent controls to this card. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the equipped monster.


This way is not OP, belive me or not, it is balanced. :D


I like a lot the idea, but I think the fist part of the effect is not nedded. The second part is already too good, this makes him a lil' OP.


Rate - 8.2/10

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FIX: Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 card in your Graveyard to place 1 Collection Counter on this card (max. 4). Remove 4 Collection Counters from this card to select 1 monster your opponent controls and equip it to this card. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the equipped monsters ATK and DEF.


Good card.


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