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Lets create a brand new deck! Contest

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I likzers the conditions! :D Btw, that comic is disturbing...


Monsters: [18]


1| Card Trooper

1| Dandylion

2| Goblin Zombie

2| Mezuki

1| Plaguespreader Zombie

1| Rescue Cat

2| Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1| Sangan

1| Summoner Monk

3| X-Saber Airibellum

3| XX-Saber Fulhemknight

1| Zombie Master


Spells: [13]


2| Book of Moon

1| Brain Control

1| Cold Wave

2| Foolish Burial

1| Giant Trunade

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mind Control

2| Pot of Avarice

1| Terraforming

3| Zombie World


Traps: [7]


2| Bottomless Trap Hole

1| Call of the Haunted

1| Limit Reverse

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Transmigration Prophecy


Total: 41 cards


Playbook: Syncat with Zombies as support. With Z World, Mezuki can be used to revive anything you need for synchro power. Foolish is to dump Mezuki and Dandy if you need it. Besides teching Zombies, it plays just like normal Syncat. Synchro Shokan ftw.


Rescue Cat varient, sorta kinda. Made it off the top of my head mostly.

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No he didn't!





3x Caius

2x Raiza

2x Ryu Kokki


3x XX-Saber Fulhelmknight

2x Des Koala

2x X-Saber Airbellum

2x Zombie Master

2x Pyramid Turtle

1x Rescue Cat

1x Sangan

1x Dandylion

1x PSZ

2x Goblin Zombie



2x Zombie World

2x Allure

1x Saber Slash

1x Swords

1x Storm

1x Trunade

2x Lightning Vortex



3x Royal Decree

1x Torrential Tribute



1x Goyo

1x Black Rose Dragon

13x Generic; preferable LV 6-7


*Allure Provides Draw Power. It has more than 10 Targets, so this should be okay.

*A minimal Trap lineup, due to not enough space.

*Miniature Kitty Synchro: Sangan -> Kitty -> Airbellum + Des Koala

*Miniature Zombie Control: snatches opponents Tuners with Zombie World and Zombie master and then Synchro into something

*Some of the cards can Stall/Special Summon in order to be tributed for a Monarch Summon (Fulhelmknight, Turtle, Dandylion, Swords...)

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