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The 'new age' Contest


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There was a legend amoungst the champions of yugio in this fantasy...

The legend stated special units that were superior to normal types...


Thus was borne the power of NATUAL type effects.


These forces, would have a special effect attached to their TYPE. But yet, they could still be either a normal or effect monster as well.


Those type effects cannot be negated except by a card effect that specificly negates type effects.


Each competitor makes 5 or more cards. All monsters must have NATURAL effects on them.


On the vote, you will get THREE reps.


You have until 10/15 to make your cards then judging happens.

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No, it doesnt have to say on them. You put the 'Type' effect on the top of the cards, however, ok?


Natural effects are basicly added to the type, not the monster.

They would basicly either be an effect monster, or a normal monster in actuality, but its type would have an effect in the first place.


Of course, you could make an effect monster that represents both if you wish...


{optional} If you really feel creative, you can make a plotline for your cards. No scoring for it, but it would make things interesting.


Example Types:


Ninja - There is a 50% chance that when a monster attacks this monster, the attack will be negated.


Serpent Warrior - This unit doesnt leave the field by an opponents card effect.

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Basicly, monsters can either be a normal monster, or an effect monster IN ADDITION to its 'type' effect.


In this example, the card itself is a normal card, but the TYPE has a special property. In this case, the type effect is: "This monster ignores enemy traps"


You state the type effects for your cards. Remember they cannot be negated, except by a card that specificly negates type effects.

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