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Hydrogen Cyanide vs Liam vote now!


Which card do you consider better?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which card do you consider better?

    • HC
    • Liam

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[spoiler=Hydrogen Cyanide's card]377270s.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. It can only be Special Summoned by tributing 1 face-up Dragon-Type monster you control. This monster's ATK is equal to the tributed monster's ATK+300. This monster can not be destroyed by the effects of Spell, Traps and Monster Cards, excluding it's own effect. Every time this monster declares an attack, inflict 700 points of damage to your opponent before damage calculation. Once during every one of your Standby Phases, you must remove from play 1 FIRE Attribute monster from your Graveyard. If you cannot, send this card to the Graveyard.



[spoiler=Liam's Card]332409.jpg



The winner will be the one who gets 5 votes first. Let's see who wins...

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HC's has a nice, badass name and pic combo going with great detail put into the effect. Minimal OCG errors. Cap T in Tribute, "Every time this monster declares an attack" = "Each time this card attacks", "one" = "1", a few more. Fairly small stuff, which I understand can happen with that effect size when you're still relatively inexperienced. You've also got some good flavour and flow here, needing fuel for its fire to not become ashes, and having black clouds of ash in the pic. A nicely done boss monster. ;)


Giant Flying Mech? ...Really? K. I'm seeing typoes in the effect. Translation: you rushed it. You didn't put an awful lot of thought into here either. This promotes overextension, you just throw down your resources at will, summon this, and are rewarded with a +4 for thoughtless playing. Your second effect seems to have just been thrown in, having no relation at all to the previous effect or the card's type and appearance.


TBH, anyone who doesn't vote for Cyanide here's either biased or "simple."

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Although Liam's is more balanced whilst Hydro's is vastly OP, I vote Hydro.


His images is beyond unoriginal but his OCG is ok. And his effect is more thought out in a sense. Also his attack is realistic. Sorry Liam. Anyways the effect of Liam is more original however it is dull while Hydro's is vast and exciting.


Hydryo gains my vote.

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