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I Want You! Contest


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This contest will end when all 15 members join or until 11/24/2009 (My Birthday)


Your Task is to balance a card ( Card below)

You cannot change the following things:

. Number of Stars

. Type and Sub-Type

. ATK and DEF

. Name

. "Forbidden Card" part.


You have 2 options to remake the card:

. Write the balanced card

. Remaking the card balanced.

. Max of 15 Members.


Entry Fee: 10 points.



1st Place get 3 rep and 750 points






Card Information:

Name: Fake Type Commander - Gir

Attribute: EARTH

Level: 81

Type: Mad Puppet

Sub-Type: Anti-Synchro / Infra / Effect

Effect: This card can only be Infra Summoned by the effect of "Infra # Alpha Deus's Training" and Tribute monsters whose Level equals to 81 or more from your side of the field or hand. This card gains 1000 ATK for every non-Forbidden Card in your Graveyard. If a DIVINE monster exist in your Deck, hand, Graveyard, Extra Deck or Removed from Play Zone, increases the ATK and DEF of this card by 4000. This card cannot attack a monster with "Fake Type" in its name. If this card is the target of a Monster, Spell or Trap Card effect, you may discard 2 cards from your hand to negate the effect and destroy that card.

ATK and DEF: 0

Picture Link: http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/7829/negagir.jpg



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