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Worm Zero V2

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Monsters: ( 19 )

3x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3x Worm Cartaros

2x Evil Dragon Ananta

2x Worm Illidan

2x Worm Links

2x Worm Xex

2x Worm Yagan

2x Worm Victory

1x Sangan


Spells: ( 13 )

3x Book of Moon

3x The Shallow Grave

3x Upstart Goblin

1x Card Destruction

1x Future Fusion

1x Heavy Storm

1x Gold Sarcophagus


Traps: ( 8 )

3x Waboku

2x Metal Reflect Slime

2x Snake Rain

1x Call of the Haunted


Extra Deck:

3x Worm Zero


A slightly modified version of the Worm Zero deck I posted 20 days earlier. Thoughts?

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This Deck looks pretty solid. Evil Dragon Anata is going to do some serious damage after Future Fusion. Personally I always trow some aggro into all my decks so I'm thinking about recommending Worm Dimikles. One problem though, I don't see Zero hitting the field too often in this deck. No protection for Future Fusion means that it will be destroyed easily, and there no Polys in the deck as backup to get him out. Other than that this deck looks Ok to me.

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The only other way I can think of is with Polymerization.


For Anata or Victory, did you contemplate using Snake Rain? You could drop Victory and a bunch of other Worms to the grave and Shallow him back. Then, if he dies you could summon Anata.


Sychroing is a possibility for this deck but I am too tired to think of any tuner options. Another way you could protect Future Fusion is with Card Guard. He's a DARK for Chaos Sorcerer and also works as a Beatstick.

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Well, Snake Rain is a Normal Spell card.


Also, I don't get the use of Thunder Dragon. Is that just to thin the deck? It seems like it would be dead draw. Especially with no cards to utilize it with such as Lightning Vortex or other cards that make you discard. Hmm, is it for Card Destruction? That seems like a pretty inconsistent combo to me, but it is pretty potent, I guess.

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Well' date=' Snake Rain is a Normal Spell card.


Also, I don't get the use of Thunder Dragon. Is that just to thin the deck? It seems like it would be dead draw. Especially with no cards to utilize it with such as Lightning Vortex or other cards that make you discard. Hmm, is it for Card Destruction? That seems like a pretty inconsistent combo to me, but it is pretty potent, I guess.



Murr. I've always interpreted Thunder Dragon's effect as it discarding itself to get opther Thunder Dragons, because of Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2006. ALso, Snake Rain is a Normal Trap, last time I checked.


Blitz is back <3


-3 Shallow Grave

+3 Reckless Greed


What's so bad about Shallow Grave here?


-3 Thunder Dragon

+3 Upstart Goblin


Good enough.


-2 Honest

+2 Metal Reflect Slime (meh' date=' you've got 4 tribute guys...)


[b']Victory and the 3 Thunder Dragons? O_o[/b]

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Maybe you were thinking of a different card?


[Murr. I've always interpreted Thunder Dragon's effect as it discarding itself to get opther Thunder Dragons' date= because of Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2006. ALso, Snake Rain is a Normal Trap, last time I checked.

[/quote]Yeah that's its effect. But I still don't see why you're running it?


Also, you should probably run Offerings to the Snake Deity.

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