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Was it ritual fo chaos, or chaos ritual, or the chaos that happens when you ritual?

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Ritual Chaos DECK (SUPER OCG):

I'm going towards the new cards that are coming in absolute powerforce.



2 x Chaos Sorcerer

2 x Armagedon Knight

1 x Summoner Monk


2 x Ritual Devil Releaser

2 x Ritual Devil Presider

2 x Ritual Devil Cursed Enchanter

2 x Norleras

3 x Garandolph, Devil King of Destruction


1 x Herald of Creation

2 x Norsewemko, Goddess of Salvation

3 x Manju of the 10000 Hands

2 x Honest



2 x Hand Destruction

2 x BftDD

2 x Ritual of Salvation

2 x Ritual of Destruction

2 x Preparations for the ritual

1 x Storm

1 x Brain Control



1 x Call of the Haunted

1 x RftDD

2 x Raigeki Break


Bolded cards are ABPF ones...

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