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A card i made Please rate and enjoy.







The DEF of this monster is always 300 less then the attacking monsters ATK. This monster cannot be distroyed in battle and cannot be targeted by monster effects, spells, and traps. The ATK of this monster is the combined DEF of all monsters on the field. Once per turn you may change the attribute of this monster to fire. If you do then the ATK becomes 5000. The monster is then distroyed at the end of you battle phase and you lose 5000 points of direct damage.


Sorry about the spelling errors. Please enjoy anyway.

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The OCG should go like this but, I'm not sure.

The DEF of this card is 300 less than the attacking/attacked monster's ATK. This monster cannot be destroyed by battle and cannot be targeted by monster effects, spells, and traps. The ATK of this monster is the combined DEF of all monsters on the field. Once per turn you may change the attribute of this monster to FIRE-Type. If you do then the ATK is changed to 5000. The monster is then destroyed at the end of your Battle Phase and you lose 5000 points of direct damage.

So, it should be something like this but not sure.Also,it needs a better back round than just black...

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