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Cool Card. Only 1.


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Here it is.



Dragon Grunt + Dragon Major

This card cannot be special

summoned from the graveyard. Once this card is Fusion summoned you

may destroy one monster the oppenent controls. By discard 1 card, you may negate the activation of a spell or trap card.

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Well...this monster isn't a Synchro Monster, it's a fusion monster. (it's says synchro on the card.)


OCG Fix:


"Dragon Grunt" + "Dragon Major"

This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. When this card is Fusion Summoned you can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. By discarding 1 card, you may negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card.


Last part of the effect is a bit OP'd. Pic is okay. 5/10

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