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If it ain't broke don't fix it. If it blew up, that could be a problem...


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Yeah, but lately I love making OP cards, so here there are:


4244r.jpg[spoiler=Effect]1 Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner LIGHT monsters

Every time this card battles, put Justice Counters on this card equal to the other monster's level (max 30). This gains a different effect for the number of Justice Counters on it:

. 10+ This card gains 500ATK

. 20+ This card cannot be destroyed by Trap cards

. 30 This card can attack twice each Battle Phase



They might be OP, but I don't know... Well, anyway, comment/suggest/rate, huh.


Pictures on Deviant Art, credit is on the cards

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On "Defender of Justice - Machel", when you're listing the Synchro materials (or whatever they're called for Synchros), don't put the s in "monsters" in parentheses, especially since you said that you need 2 or more, so it has to be plural. Change "equal to the monster's level" to "equal to that monster's level" , and capitalize "Trap" and "Battle Phase".


On "The Last Resort - Golden Crown", change "is not destroyed" to "cannot be destroyed" and change the last sentence to "During your End Phase, take damage equal to the ATK of the monster you Summoned x3."


Like Glass said, Golden Crown's pic is pretty blurry. Otherwise, they're nice, and I think they're actually pretty well balanced since you can potentially take a lot of damage from Golden Crown and it would take 10 turns for Machel's effect to come into play.

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These cards are really unique! I like them, some minor OCG pics, and "Golden Crown"'s pic is a bit blurry.


on "Machel" : I've never seen a monster with so many counter requirements! How do you keep track of em all? Haha. Anyways effect is unique, some OCG problems. Like the pic.


on "Golden Crown" : I actually think this card is a little UP'd, but hey, it's a last resort. Unless you were going to destroy your opponent this turn, I would think that this card has few uses. Pic is a bit blurry and OCG is okay, I think.


Good job on these. 8/10 :)

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