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Luna Lovegood

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[align=center]Welcome, One And All To The Tri-Wizard Tournament.



Those of you who have read Harry Potter may have some incline as too how this works, how ever, I shall explain it too you.

I have picked who I believe too be the Top 3 Card Making Clubs on YCM. They will each put forth a single member. He/she shall then become their champion. The Club Leader's shall then assist me in deciding the winner of each of the first 2 challenges. DO NOT ASK TO BE ONE OF THE CLUBS!

The clubs I have picked are listed below:

  1. Legendary Cardmakers 2009 - Where Legends Gather - X-31 Fighter
  2. The Real Duel Academy (RDA) - Silent Magician 2.0
  3. The YCMIA | Remake | Stand For Your Country, Join Today - Pikachu

The Judges

  • Prince Hunter
  • kid
  • Luna Lovegood
  • Welche
  • Kotaro


The contestants will only be known when the contest starts and the first round of cards have been created.. The prize is 10,211 Gold Galleons, 6 Reputation Points, and Everlasting Glory.


Once the participants have been chosen, the contest begins! Round 1 will be revealed to the champions on the day of the task. The second round will have something to do with the first round. The third round will be a race. A race that each challenger will be informed of in order of their total points. This race will involve searching members' profiles, getting clues, and PMing me cards. It will be the ultimate test of their abilities.

Show your support in this thread and discuss who you think is going to win.

Please remember Judges, this is a *cough* completely un-biased *cough* competition *cough* Don't *cough* just vote for your club member. Also *cough* this is supposed to be a solo event, *cough* no help *cough*.

This contests is based of Harry Potter, the novel, so, yeah, be prepared...[/align]



[spoiler=October 15]

The First Challenge Begins October 31st

Welche Has Donated 100 Points For Second Place



All rights reserved. Any attempt to copy this idea will earn you 10 negative reps and a mod on your tail. Thank you to Darth Broaward for donating the 10,000 points for the prize. Charmander has donated 10 points. ~King Matrix~ has donated 100 points. Shadow the Lugia had donated 1 point. I am putting 100 points into the pot. Feel free to donate more points to the pot. Note, helping the competitors is bad. For those of you who have read Harry Potter, I will be keeping as close a eye on you as they did in Harry Potter, so yeah. Have fun!! There are 300--> points for a excellent banner. Thank you to Ovechkin rocks for the current banner

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X-31 Fighter's Fan Club (for this contest only)

<3<3<3<3 GO X-31 Fighter GO, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, YOU CAN DO THIS PROBI!!!! <3<3<3<3



[spoiler=List of Fans]

1. 42.42.564 you are the champion!!!




if you would like to join, just say so xD

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