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Demonic Berserker


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This card also goes with my Demon Set, ( http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-159449.html ) but also stands well on its own. :-)



During your Standby Phase, pay 700 Life Points. This card can attack twice per Battle Phase. This card cannot declare an attack, except by Tributing a monster you control. If this card is Tributed, Special Summon it during your next Standby Phase. If you do, its ATK becomes 2300.


Image credit goes, as almost always, to Father Wolf. Thank you!

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Really awesome Picture!


Like sayed above me, the effect is to... heavy/expensive

I havent seen your demon deck yet (but believe me, i will ^^),

is it specialised at summoning tokens, that could

be used for a monster like this one?

If yes, fine!

If no, man... to expensive...

And the Rebirth effect of this card is too OP.


By the way, is it possible to use this card as a tribute for his own effect?

That would make it even more OP.


For now, i think, the best way to use this card is as an Attack-Position-Defender or in

combination with "Scapegoat".

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The demon set is basically focused on tributing other demons. When demons are tributed, they are reborn more powerful. The life point payment is meant to counteract their obvious overpowered-ness. However, the set also gains power as you lose LP.


I didn't think about the power it could have with tokens though... maybe I should add some token cards to the set. Anyway, thank you!

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@ Katoki

Would you be so kind to tell us why you think this card only gets a 5/10?

Its really hard to improve and fix something if you dont tell why you give

censures like this.



You mean all this demons tribute each other? And coming back even more powerfull?

If each of your card need Life Points to work you also should think about "Offer-Token

-for-live-points" Spell Cards and things like that!


I like the idea of demons, wich offer each other to stay alive ^^

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