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A Holloween Tribute


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This is my first post in a while and my first card in a longer while. Well here is my tribute to holloween, but please forgivr me on my bad OCG, its been a while ;)


This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. If this card destroyes an opponents Monster select and activate one of the following effects,

♦ Pay 800 Life Points. Special Summon the destroyed Monster from the opponents Graveyard onto your side of the field with half its original ATK and DEF.

♦ Pay 400 Life Points Draw 1 card from your Deck. If the card is a Monster Card Special Summon it onto your side of the field with half it's original ATK and DEF, If the card is a Trap or Spell Card send it to your Graveyard

If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to your Graveyard you can pay 500 lifepoints to place the card on the top of your Deck.

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