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ok List of things to do.


1) Get an account on www.planetrenders.net. Get renders from there. They are all HQ

2) GO to www.deviantart.com. Search for brushes. Ask Zexion for a tut on getting brushes from deviantArt.

3) try to use soem tools like Dodge/Burn Tool and such. It will help your lighting.

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ok List of things to do.


1) Get an account on www.planetrenders.net. Get renders from there. They are all HQ

2) GO to www.deviantart.com. Search for brushes. Ask Zexion for a tut on getting brushes from deviantArt.

3) try to use soem tools like Dodge/Burn Tool and such. It will help your lighting.


Wrong. :P

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Want me to go around your stuff and post "No just no" ?


nice try but...

no flow

now depth

no lots of things try reading some tuts do you use gimp or PS


Now depth? Is there a Before depth too? Try solving your grammar issues then commenting.


.......do you use gimp or PS


I could see which program he's using' date='in my early GFX'ing days,i made a sig,using Paint,but it turned out LQ,and i saw that it had WHITE BORDERS around the render,so i think he's using paint.




If you were smart enough you would probably know that the sphere's that are coming from the canon can be made in both GIMP and Photoshop. This is actually done with GIMP, the sphere's have this gradient which is used in it.


Try CREATING a concept before making a tag. Aim for that and you won't make Terrible tags.

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Yikes, a lot of improvement is needed on this one. I suggest looking up sig tutorials for gimp, and/or get ahold of photoshop, whether through your school, or "other methods". For the most part, I think if you found a different render, it would probably be better. Usually a tag with bad effects can look decent with an awesome render. Right iYoko? (jk)

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