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The deck of the future!


Monsters: 19


2x Tytannial

3x Gigaplant


2x Lonefire Blossom

3x Blazewing Butterfly

3x UFO Turtle

2x Evocator Chevalier

1x Nettles

1x Copy Plant

1x Sangan

1x Morphing Jar


Spells: 16


3x Supervis

3x Mark of the Rose

3x Swing of Memories

2x Hidden Armory

2x Dragon's Mirror

1x Heavy Storm

1x Brain Control

1x Future Fusion


Traps: 5


2x Ultimate Offering

1x Torrential

1x Mirror Force

1x Call of the Haunted


Extra Deck: 15


3x Power Tool Dragon

2x Black Bulldrago

2x Super alloy Beast Raptinus

9x Generic

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Guest Delinquent Girl NiAtSoFi

Add the fusion monster Supersomething Beast Raptinus to unlock Giga's and Blazewing's effects and Mass Driver for a Gigaplant/ Blazewing OTK.

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Guest Delinquent Girl NiAtSoFi

Oh yeah' date=' that was in there, that's what the future fusion and dragon's mirror are for. I just forgot to right it down. I don't like gigaplant OTK as it seems a lot more inconsistent than gigaplant beatdown.



Then, think of the OTK as the backup strategy or to use when you draw it rather then building a deck around the technique.

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Guest Delinquent Girl NiAtSoFi

I'm really trying to focus on swarm here. Adding other strategies imo will just make the deck weak and inconsistent. It's best to have on really good strategy instead of several mediocre and unfocused ones.


that's true. you could just side deck the OTK if it's still interesting.

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