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Exodian Set - 20 Card Set

Lord Smeagle

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You've seen Exodia Stall, Exodia Burn, and hundreds of Exodia Draw Engines...get ready for Exodia Beatdown! With the Exodians, your cards will be as powerful on the field as in your hand.


The Exodians are a strange assortment of mages, mercenaries and creatures of darkness with two things in common -- service to the Forbidden One, and a portion of his power!






















Image Credit goes to Father Wolf, Genzoman of DeviantArt, Google Images, and Photoshop.

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You forget what the "Exodia" decks are all about -- getting "The Forbidden One" cards in your hand.


"Desperate Search", "Exodian Defenders", "Exodian Demonness", "Forbidden Reset", "Mechzodia the Fabricated One", and "Wicked Exodian Jester" are the only cards that fulfill the correct application. The rest are just some cards that seem cool... they'd never fit in a metagame deck. Now, with these cards, I can see any decent Exodia Deck easily speeding through any tournament. So I'd make all of these guys at least limited (and a couple of them semi-limited). Trust me, they're powerful.


I can also see these guys in the Anime. Or a fanfic of some kind. Anyway, the final issue is OCG. PM me if you're actually interested in fixing that up.


It's a pleasure to review! :mrgreen:

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You forget what the "Exodia" decks are all about -- getting "The Forbidden One" cards in your hand.


Changing the goal was the point. This set does for Exodia what Flamvell is doing for Burn Decks.


@Sushi: Uh...I'm assuming that's White Knight? Sorry if I've somehow ruined the anime for you' date=' but it was a good pic and fits the effect well. Unless I can find one that's altogether [i']better[/i], I'm keeping it.

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You forget what the "Exodia" decks are all about -- getting "The Forbidden One" cards in your hand.


Changing the goal was the point. This set does for Exodia what Flamvell is doing for Burn Decks.


1) "Flamvell" gave FIRE Decks another way to do damage. The main idea is still to cause LP damage, it's just induced through battle AND burn now.


2)That idea would all be well and good, but getting the 5 "Forbidden One" cards into your hand is MUCH more useful than an attacking-oriented set involving you holding cards forever. A standard Exodia Deck + the aforementioned "Exodians" would win against any full-on "Exodian" Deck because it would be so much faster.

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You forget what the "Exodia" decks are all about -- getting "The Forbidden One" cards in your hand.


Changing the goal was the point. This set does for Exodia what Flamvell is doing for Burn Decks.


2)That idea would all be well and good' date=' but getting the 5 "Forbidden One" cards into your hand is MUCH more useful than an attacking-oriented set involving you holding cards forever. A standard Exodia Deck + the aforementioned "Exodians" would win against any full-on "Exodian" Deck because it would be so much faster.



Now that's a valid point. It's a lot easier to stall until the big searchers get you all five pieces than to wail with the Mecha. But you know what they say about the best defense being a good offense...


...Plus, if people side deck Defying Destiny, you may not WANT to declare Exodia.

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You forget what the "Exodia" decks are all about -- getting "The Forbidden One" cards in your hand.


Changing the goal was the point. This set does for Exodia what Flamvell is doing for Burn Decks.


2)That idea would all be well and good' date=' but getting the 5 "Forbidden One" cards into your hand is MUCH more useful than an attacking-oriented set involving you holding cards forever. A standard Exodia Deck + the aforementioned "Exodians" would win against any full-on "Exodian" Deck because it would be so much faster.



Now that's a valid point. It's a lot easier to stall until the big searchers get you all five pieces than to wail with the Mecha. But you know what they say about the best defense being a good offense...


...Plus, if people side deck Defying Destiny, you may not WANT to declare Exodia.


So you see the point. Excellent. I give you an Internet now :mrgreen:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wait...how does Avatar make you automatically win?


you have to remove all 5 pieces of exodia from your graveyard from play.

then when the avatar card is destroyed' date=' you get all 5 pieces back in your hand. and with the Exodia's head effect, by having all 5 pieces in your hand, you automatically win the duel.

the catch is to somehow destroy the avatar card.[hr']

Wait...how does Avatar make you automatically win?


you have to remove all 5 pieces of exodia from your graveyard from play.

then when the avatar card is destroyed' date=' you get all 5 pieces back in your hand. and with the Exodia's head effect, by having all 5 pieces in your hand, you automatically win the duel.

the catch is to somehow destroy the avatar card.



oh wait, the last part said Deck, not hand. sorry, my bad.

still a 9.5/10 from me ^_^

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