Dark Seraphim Posted October 12, 2009 Report Share Posted October 12, 2009 Inspired by Fighter's fight to fight with samurai's ^^. 22- Monsters:xox Great Shogun Shienoxo Enishi, Shiens Cancellorxxx Grandmaster Of The Six Samuraixxx The Six Samurai - Zanjixxx The Six Samurai - Irouxox The Six Samurai - Yaichixox Hand Of The Six Samuraixox Spirit Of The Six Samuraixox XX-Saber Fullhelmknightxox Immortal Bushi 14- Spells:xxx The Six Samurai Unitedxox Allure Of Darknessxox Solidarityxox Book Of Moonoxo Reinforcement Of The Armyoxo The Warrior Returning Aliveoxo Heavy Stormoxo Brain Controloxo Reasonning 04- Traps:oxo Torrential Tributeoxo Call Of The Hauntedxox Bottomless Trap Hole 15- Extra:--- Generic Edit: -2 Threatening Roar / +2 Book Of Moon.Edit: Did the fixes from 'Saiyan Knight'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiff! Posted October 12, 2009 Report Share Posted October 12, 2009 Yeah, if I get a pair of Fulhems I'll probably take out my Gale and a Kamon/Hand. This looks awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Seraphim Posted October 13, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 13, 2009 Yeah' date=' if I get a pair of Fulhems I'll probably take out my Gale and a Kamon/Hand. This looks awesome.[/quote'] Thx, Solidarity works awesome ^^ i just trample over all there monstere =p. Need something to get rid of there Colosal and Armored Master though so i added 2 BoM to work with Irou (but i think i need something better). Edit: I heard something about 2 new Samurai cards beeing released, anybody know more about this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saiyan Knight Posted October 13, 2009 Report Share Posted October 13, 2009 I don't know why everyone's saying there are two. There's only going to be one. Honestly, it's too early in the morning for me to fix THIS... Let alone understand that funking XOX number system. I'll get back to you in about 9 hours. X __X; See ya in the morning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Seraphim Posted October 13, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 13, 2009 I don't know why everyone's saying there are two. There's only going to be one.oic ... well i guess time will tell ^^. Honestly' date=' it's too early in the morning for me to fix THIS... Let alone understand that f***ing XOX number system. [/quote']LoL: oxo = 1xox = 2xxx = 3--- = No real meaning actually. I'll get back to you in about 9 hours. X __X; See ya in the morning. Oke well i'll be waiting :D. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Seraphim Posted October 14, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 14, 2009 To bad Saiyan Knight didn't post, was actually looking forward to what he had to say =(. Ohw well, BUMP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saiyan Knight Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 Inspired by Fighter's fight to fight with samurai's ^^. 22- Monsters:xox Great Shogun Shienoxo Enishi' date=' Shiens Cancellorxxx Grandmaster Of The Six Samuraixxx The Six Samurai - Zanjixox The Six Samurai - Irouxox The Six Samurai - Yaichioxo The Six Samurai - Kamonxox Hand Of The Six Samuraixox Spirit Of The Six Samuraixox Rose, Warrior Of Revengexox XX-Saber Fullhelmknight 12- Spells:xxx The Six Samurai Unitedxox Solidarityxox Book Of Moonoxo Reinforcement Of The Armyoxo The Warrior Returning Aliveoxo Heavy Stormoxo Brain Controloxo Reasonning 06- Traps:oxo Torrential Tributeoxo Call Of The Hauntedxox Return Of The Six Samuraixox Bottomless Trap Hole 15- Extra:--- Generic[/quote'] Edit: -2 Threatening Roar / +2 Book Of Moon. OOookie dokie, a promise is a promise. I missed out for a little while, but I said I'd post, and I'm gonna post like the good old days. The first thing that should be noted is that you're going to want to draw your Solidarity very quickly, but you have minimal draw power, and that's a sadface bawpanda. What we're going to say to do is to lose the Roses and the Kamon, and knock Irou up to three, put Immortal Bushi at two, and add in two Allure of Darkness. I'd say that two Allure with five targets is a little odd, but all things considered, you should be fine. Warrior Returning Alive can get you back Irou after it's dead to Allure away, which is nice. And you'll have synergy with Book of Moon, since you're running it, which is also a plus. That and it can keep coming out in Defense, which is phenomenal. Bushi is also a free three stars for a Synchro Summon into Goyo if you need it without wasting a Six Samurai, and he'll come back later for your trouble. For the Allures, we're taking out Return of the Six Samurai. It doesn't offer the flexibility of Double-Edged Sword Technique, and despite it's defensive uses, if you're using it to defend, you've already lost. We're also going to take out a Reasoning, since there are so many bad situations for it. A] You have a Grandmaster and Reasoning into one. B] You need a Samurai and you have Grandmaster and Shien, but you hit Grandmaster. C] You have Yaichi and need to hit something to turn it on and you hit Yaichi. D] You have Spirit and want something to equip to and you hit Spirit. There are lots of places where it's just not as practical as you think. Plus with the ratio as it is, you'll still be dumping a couple spells you probably wanted to keep. Since we're losing that, we'll add in another Solidarity, again for the consistency factor. You want attack, and you want it a lot and often. If you happen to have two or three at a time... Well, that's a risk Spirit's willing to take. It would, after all, make him a 2100 or 2900. Other than that, I'd say just see what works. Good concept. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenzoTheHarpist Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 I agree with that except reasoning. I'd keep it myself as you could probably come up with a million bad scenarios for any card, but it's good overall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saiyan Knight Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenzoTheHarpist Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 Oh yeah, I have another complaint as well. We should also take out allures, since there are so many bad situations for them. A] You have no darks in your hand and it's a dead draw. B] Your only monster is dark, you use allure but draw no monsters and remove your only one.. C] You have no choice but to use allure despite having no darks, you don't draw one, hand goes to graveyard. D] You remove Irou with it, next turn your opponent sets Marshmallon and you can't get rid of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saiyan Knight Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 Is this why I left YCM in the first place? I feel like a scientist finger painting in a kindergarten. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Griffin Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 Got to agree with Saiyan, Reasoning just doesn't do enough good here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenzoTheHarpist Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 Is this why I left YCM in the first place? I feel like a scientist finger painting in a kindergarten. Psh. My logic for taking out allure was at least as good as yours for taking out reasoning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiff! Posted October 15, 2009 Report Share Posted October 15, 2009 I'm going to have to side with Genzo here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Seraphim Posted October 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 16, 2009 OOookie dokie' date=' a promise is a promise. I missed out for a little while, but I said I'd post, and I'm gonna post like the good old days. The first thing that should be noted is that you're going to want to draw your Solidarity very quickly, but you have minimal draw power, and that's a sadface bawpanda. What we're going to say to do is to lose the Roses and the Kamon, and knock Irou up to three, put Immortal Bushi at two, and add in two Allure of Darkness. I'd say that two Allure with five targets is a little odd, but all things considered, you should be fine. Warrior Returning Alive can get you back Irou after it's dead to Allure away, which is nice. And you'll have synergy with Book of Moon, since you're running it, which is also a plus. That and it can keep coming out in Defense, which is phenomenal. Bushi is also a free three stars for a Synchro Summon into Goyo if you need it without wasting a Six Samurai, and he'll come back later for your trouble. For the Allures, we're taking out Return of the Six Samurai. It doesn't offer the flexibility of Double-Edged Sword Technique, and despite it's defensive uses, if you're using it to defend, you've already lost. We're also going to take out a Reasoning, since there are so many bad situations for it. A'] You have a Grandmaster and Reasoning into one. B] You need a Samurai and you have Grandmaster and Shien, but you hit Grandmaster. C] You have Yaichi and need to hit something to turn it on and you hit Yaichi. D] You have Spirit and want something to equip to and you hit Spirit. There are lots of places where it's just not as practical as you think. Plus with the ratio as it is, you'll still be dumping a couple spells you probably wanted to keep. Since we're losing that, we'll add in another Solidarity, again for the consistency factor. You want attack, and you want it a lot and often. If you happen to have two or three at a time... Well, that's a risk Spirit's willing to take. It would, after all, make him a 2100 or 2900. Other than that, I'd say just see what works. Good concept. o_0 i was actually thinking i was gonaa get flamed xD. But oke, thanks for the explaination. Will do all the fixes except the one for reasoning, reason being that i don't have a third Solidarity and i actually like reasoning =p. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiff! Posted October 16, 2009 Report Share Posted October 16, 2009 well, take out something else for a Solidarity when you get it. I'm also running 2 IRL, and I want a third. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Seraphim Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 well' date=' take out something else for a Solidarity when you get it. I'm also running 2 IRL, and I want a third.[/quote'] Yeah i'll probably try it out without Reasonning and viceversa. What i really want is to know what the new SS card does (hope it'll make SS top tier again) >_< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saiyan Knight Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 well' date=' take out something else for a Solidarity when you get it. I'm also running 2 IRL, and I want a third.[/quote'] Yeah i'll probably try it out without Reasonning and viceversa. What i really want is to know what the new SS card does (hope it'll make SS top tier again) >_<That's absolute foolish talk. How's the expression go? Tiers are for Queers. If you want the Six Samurai to be an invariable fighting force, ranking among the top players in the nation in a renowned forum of battle like Nationals or a Shonen Jump Championship, then get out there and make it happen! You need to build the deck without thinking of things like "What am I building this deck to do? Can it do it well?" and start pushing yourself into a frame of mind reminiscent of "Is what I'm designing this deck to do something that will hurt what is commonly played? What IS commonly played? Where can I hit these decks the hardest to exploit a victory?". Forget everything you've ever thought about the Meta and throw yourself into tournament reports on any sight you can find them on from any Shonen Jump in the same format that you're playing, adjust to what you think you will see based on what was popular, and side deck like a madman. The keys to victory aren't a deck with synergy within itself and a good breakfast, they're research, training, more research, more training, synergy with the COMPETITION and good Side Decking. If you come using cards that are positively reinforced by what the opponent is using, you'll be one step ahead of the game. Think of Utility. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Utility. If a card is in a combo you really like, but it's dead for the first half of the game and it's a dead draw ninety percent of the time, it's a low Utility card and you'll get NOWHERE with it. Don't BOTHER. Instead, pack cards that are both effective and high Utility, so you can play them as soon as the option is available. With the Six Samurai, try to pick your monster line based on what you anticipate seeing at the event. If there are to be many, MANY decks with control-stall, pack Irou and Hand of the Six Samurai en mass. If there are to be decks like Gadgets with MANY backrow Battle Phase cards like Sakuretsu and Dimensional Prison, carry an extra Yaichi and be ready to start firing away. If you think the opponent will be playing BIG monsters like Colossal Fighter on a more frequent pace, travel with extra Enishi and Hand. These are key things to keep in mind. Also, have your Spells and Traps influenced by both what you run and what other people run, not just one or the other. For example, if you like Enemy Controller, but run many Irou and expect Gladiator Beasts and Blackwings, Book of Moon is probably a more reasonable option. Keep these thoughts in your mind constantly and never miss a beat. BLAZE forward into the Hall of Fame with your overpowering spirit and intuition! Make the future you desire for yourself! Never give up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiff! Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Wow...just...wow. Epic read. Thanx. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saiyan Knight Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Wow...just...wow. Epic read. Thanx.That's the fire of the heart's burning desire for greatness! If glory and victory are what you feel deep inside calling out to you, reach with both arms and grab to the heavens to make it your reality! It's far beyond the point where one can idly sit by and watch his destiny slip through his fingers. This is my philosophy, and it's what I'll make happen! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark_Armed_Zombie Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Wow...just...wow. Epic read. Thanx. Q4E Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Seraphim Posted October 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 Wow...just...wow. Epic read. Thanx. Q4E @ Saiyan Knight: This ^ And your a inspiration to us all (at the least to me anyway). I've made my mind up, i'll go on and beat the f-ing sh*t outta all deck other then Six Samurai's. Hopefully i can count on your advise and support with future decks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saiyan Knight Posted October 18, 2009 Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 In all things, The Six Samurai; brothers in arms. Moving swiftly into a bright tomorrow, led only by the shining and unyielding spirit of the sword in my hand, that research, development, and training which I shall acquire will also be yours. Toward the dream position, burning vehemently deep inside to conquer my reality! With the coming challenges, power is also found, in Gateway of the Six! What it shall do is unbeknownst to be, as is its appearance, but it shall more than certain be a great boon in our travels to the top of the mountain by which we must ascend into our rightful place of victory! The Six Samurai! Forever becoming more powerful and adapting to any for! History's greatest warriors! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiff! Posted October 18, 2009 Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 Okay, the first was inspiring.The second, rejuvenating.But now, you're beginning to sound a little fruity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark_Armed_Zombie Posted October 18, 2009 Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 Okay' date=' the first was inspiring.The second, rejuvenating.But now, you're beginning to sound a little fruity.[/quote'] I get the feeling it was meant to sound like that. Six Sams ftw Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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