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The Power of the Atom

Chaos Flame

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I was bored, so I watched some of the old YGO GX episodes online and I think I came up with a good deck type that Bastian would probably like.

Please rate.



This card is treated as a "Charged Monster" with a Positive Charge. When this monster is Summoned you can add 1 monster with a Negative Charge from your Deck to your hand.



This card is treated as a "Charged Monster" with a Negative Charge. When this monster is Summoned you can add 1 monster with a Positive Charge from your Deck to your hand.



You can have 6 of this card in your Deck. This card is treated as a "Charged Monster" without a Charge. When this card is Summoned, you can add 1 "Charged Monster" without a charge from your Deck to your hand.



1 or more "Protos" + 1 or more "Electros" + 1-3 "Neutros"

This card can only be Summoned from the Extra Deck by removing from play the above cards you control or in your Graveyard from play (You do not need "Polymerization.") This card's original ATK and DEF are equal to the amout of cards used to Summon it X 500. If over 6 cards were used to Summon this card, if it is destroyed, destroy all cards on the field.


And their anti-particle counterparts (and why you can have 6 neutroses)



This card is treated as a "Charged Monster" with a Negative Charge. When this monster is Summoned you can add 1 monster with a Positive Charge from your Deck to your hand.



This card is treated as a "Charged Monster" with a Positive Charge. When this monster is Summoned you can add 1 monster with a Negative Charge from your Deck to your hand.



1 or more "Negatrus"+ 1 or more "Positrus" + 1-3 "Nuetros"

This card cannot be Summoned except from the Extra Deck by removing from play from your side of the field or Graveyard the above monsters (you do not need "Polymerization.") When this card is Summoned, shift control of it to your opponent. This card cannot have its Battle Position Changed or be Tributed in any way. Put Counters on this card equal to the amount of monsters used to Summon it. A monster battling with this card gains 500 ATK for each Counter on this card. Once per turn this card cannot be destroyed by battle.

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