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Rachet & Clank Cards


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Now im using MY account.No, you cant make cards.Duhh you think im dum,i READ.Anyway, im not the only one you critisize.it also said that your a 3 star.Also it says you have heaps of points but -7 reputation.That means you do all your posts as critisizing people cause you cant think of anything else to do, and you do them just to get stars!



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LEARN TO READ.I hate Jazin because the only thing he does on this site is CRITISIZM.Also read that his reputation is -7 as proof.(yes, i realised i should stop saying you suck because of my rep)It also says that he has made no cards AT ALL.He is pretty not smart to think I can't read.Oh, jazin, THE WHOLE WORLD IS SEEING IT WASN'T JUST THEM GETTING CRITISIZED, IT WAS EVERYONE!



Oh, and liam, thanks

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Here's some constructive critisism for you;


I know that Jazin's a noob, we all do, but there's no reason to start a flame war.


Now, about your cards, If I were you, I'd look at maybe decreasing the ATK and maybe changing the images, Ratchet looks a little bit squashed.


These are overly powerful, and that is never a good thing when making cards, cause they'll never be legal.


Also the white background on the Fusioned Ratchet and Clank? Again a big no-no if you're looking for authenticity.


Also Fusion cards don't have text, it's either the cards that make them up for example: ""Ratchet" + "Clank" or that and an effect like... "(insert overly used effect here)"


Finally, your Grammar is something that needs looking at, nobody likes looking at poorly worded sentances.


I hope that you take this on board, more importantly, I hope you can see that I'm not here to argue or critisize, I'm just trying to be a helping hand.

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Now listen' date=' I'm gonna backup my little bro!


Maybe you can make cards, But are just too lazy.


Or maybe you can but don't want and spend your time going around hating people, so try not to put people down because your rep and cards say it all, your just a HATER!


to destron



I'm not trying to put anyone down. I'm reviewing the cards, and just because I gave them a bad rating, that doesn't mean I'm trying to make anyone angry or sad or anything. I can remove your neg rep if you stop attacking people because they criticized your card. Also, I'm not lazy.

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I'm sorry, yugiohjosh (or superliam, or whoever the hell you are) but you seriously need to pull yourself together. Instead of shouting 'YOU SUCK!', look at a legendary member's cards and compare them to yours. Consider the differences, stop trying to make yourself greater than Jazin because you have -1 reputation, and don't post anything until you actually have something to say. I'd say you come back when you're about 13 (because the way you say things automaticly indicates that you're somewhere between 8 - 11 years old). Its a harsh world out there, sonny jim.

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My reputation is not proof of anything, except that YCM members think I am mean.


Trust me, I do a lot more than criticize. I do make cards and I do give helpful advice when I want to. You'd know that if you took the time to go through my past posts. But instead, you judge only what you despise, because that is all you see.


This thread has become hilarious.

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OK, JAZIN, DID I NOT MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?GET OUT OF MY THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:x.you ae making this place a war ground!leave me alone!Oh, and i saw your post on somethin else about thinking you would just find some more SUCKISH FURRY CARDS.(yeah i noticed)ANYWAY,my point is GO, LEAVE EVERYONES THREADS ALOOOOOOOONE AND ESPECIALY MINE!


IM GETTING ANNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR LOL @ U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There's an ignore function. Click my name, dig around, and check a box. I think that's how it's done. Doing that will mean you'll never see my posts.


I'm not gonna do what some teething 7-year-old with a burning keyboard and ashamed parents tells me to. funking crybaby.



EDIT: Nevermind, it's not in the profile. It's in the User CP. Click this:



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