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Sad L4D picture


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I found this kinda depressing Left 4 Dead picture. If you've never played Left 4 Dead, there are 6 main types of zombies. There are the common infected, often referred to as The Horde, the Boomer, a big fat zombie that barfs on you, temporarily blinding you. The barf also attracts The Horde. There's the Hunter, a hoodie-wearing zombie that pounces on you and then claws you. Then there's the Smoker, a zombie with an extremely long tongue he uses to grab you. Then there's the Witch. She hides in dark corners or in hard-to-reach-places. She hates lights, fire, being looked at, but what she hates most of all is being shot at. She won't do anything unless you do something to her, so it's best to try and sneak around her. Then, the strongest zombie, the Tank. He's all muscle and no brain. He can, almost literally, send you flying across an entire map with one hit.

Now here's the picture:




If you haven't already guessed, the people she was talking to in the beginning are the shadows in the second-to-last frame. Obviously they all turned into the special infected I explained above.


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o_o Ooo' date=' 5-star person I've never seen before. Cooool.



I've mostly just been posting in the Official Relationships Thread recently. I occasionally post in TCG, and then my other posts have been in Realistic Cards. I'm hoping to become a well known member someday. I've seen alot of your posts, and you seem pretty cool.

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I would, but wouldn't want to be a hunter. While those guys are awesome, I did watch a Witch tear one apart in Mercy Hospital. It was brutal.

But then again, I'd be like the fastest, AND can jump high. That's more than enough to win me over.


Tank > Witch > Horde = Hunter = Smoker > Boomer > Infected

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