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Demon King of the Fire Emblem


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The Demon King Fomortiis is here!!!


Lore: This card can't be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can't be Special Summoned except by removing 3 face-up Fiend cards. Once per turn, you may pay 2500 LP to increase this card's ATK by 2500. If you activate this card's effect, the card is destroyed at the end of the Battle Phase.


Yes I know it's a Fake type but you just gatta live with it

Because Fiend is too normal for him

and if you try to spam about it bad things are gonna happen

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I like the card, Nice picture not too Overpowered (0 DEF and destroyed after effect use is not to OP'd if you ask me). One tiny little Nitpick is that you don't say where you remove these 3 Fiend Type monsters from, the field?, your hand?, Somewhere Else?

But other than that 6/10 because it's a cool card!

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I like the card' date=' Nice picture not too Overpowered (0 DEF and destroyed after effect use is not to OP'd if you ask me). One tiny little Nitpick is that you don't say where you remove these 3 Fiend Type monsters from, the field?, your hand?, Somewhere Else?

But other than that 6/10 because it's a cool card!



Well, It's going to be Field, as you cannot have a face-up card in your hand.

Good card, good OCG, 8/10

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