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Kingdom Hearts Reborn!!! (73/???)[OOGIE BOOGIE, KAIRI AND A KEYBLADE ADDED]


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[align=center]10/15: I just forgot to mention that all render and backround credit besides "Water Form" goes to my good friend Alcander.

10/16: New cards added. Saïx being my 250th card, YAY! Again, all render and backround credit goes to Alcander. Exclusive Luxord holo and Japanese version goes to Monsoon300. You can check out his shop here:[/align]

[spoiler=Shop Link]




[align=center]10/21: I was going to wait and post Riku and Mickey together, but it's been a couple days and this thread is on like the third page, soooooo HERE!

10/22: Beast's Castle people added. Credit for the name holo and holo for "Beast - Wielder of the Keyblade" goes to Monsoon300. Again, a link to his shop is above under "Shop Link". Makes sense right?

10/23: Land of Dragons stuff added plus more stuff for Beast's Castle. Check my last post for how to get there.

10/24: I NEED COMMENTS!!! Also, I've added Cloud, Sephiroth, the Disney Castle people and some seals. So check them out.

10/25: Nothing new, just edited some stuff (I spelled wielder wrong in Mickey's name). Actually, added something new, BOOSTER PACKS!!! Booster packs made by Alcander.

10/26: Structure Deck added, I will do what's in the Structure Deck later. It's obviously not everything in this set. Credit goes to Alcander again!

10/29: Sorry about lack of cards. World Series and Alcander who does all backrounds/renders has just been pumping images lately, so I have to keep up by making them into cards. Keep 'em up though dude! Anyway, Heartless added, Sora's forms added, Pete moved to 'Other' and 'Other Enemies' taken down. Enjoy!

10/31: Happy Halloween! Currently, all I've added is Heartless, but later today I will probably be posting some Halloween Town stuff, so look out for that.

11/1: I need comments but no one cares. Jack and Santa Jack added, I may add more stuff later today.

11/3: New stuff added. Not much else to say. Check post #53 on page 3 on how to get to the new cards.

11/4: Oogie Boogie and Kairi added. Check post #54 on page 3 for how to find them. EDIT: Also added a Keyblade from Halloween Town.

11/9: Haven't updated in a while so . . . yeah. All new cards are in a new section in Spells called Battlegrounds.



[spoiler=[b]Structure Deck![/b]]




[spoiler=[b]Booster Packs![/b]]











During your Battle Phase and your opponent's Battle Phase, this card is treated as a LIGHT monster. This card's ATK increases by 200 for every monster on your opponent's side of the field. If "Riku - Wielder of the Keyblade" is on your side of the field, this card can attack twice in one Battle Phase.








When a monster is sent to the graveyard, activate one of the following effects based on the attribute of the destroyed monster:

FIRE: Switch a monster in attack position (excluding this card) to defense position. The selected monster cannot change positions except by a Spell, Trap or Monster effect. The owner of the selected monster must choose an amount 100 through 1300. The selected amount is decreased from the selected monster's DEF and added to this monster's ATK for three turns.

WATER: Roll a die. An amount equal to the result of your roll is subtracted to both player's LP x300. Both players select a monster on their opponent's side of the field. The selected monster cannot attack or switch positions except by a Spell, Trap or Monster effect for three turns.

WIND: You can Special Summon a level 4 or lower monster from your hand by decreasing your LP by an amount equal to the Special Summoned monster's ATK. The monster cannot switch positions except by a Spell, Trap or Monster effect. If the monster is still on the field on the third turn it was Special Summoned by this card's effect, it is returned to your hand, and you gain 500 LP.

EARTH: Both players roll a die. Each player cannot attack for an amount of turns equal to the result of their opponent's roll. If this card is removed from the field before either selected amount of turns is up, both players can attack again.

LIGHT: Place 1 "Spell Counter" on this card (max 5).

DARK: You can remove 4 Spell Counters from this card to Special Summon "Sora - Wielder of the Key Blade", "Goofy - Captain of the Royal Knights", "Riku - Wielder of the Key Blade" or "Mickey Mouse - Wielder of the Keyblade".








During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. This card can attack while in face-up Defense Position. While in Defense Position, increase this card's DEF by 700.








This card can only be summoned when two or more of your monsters are destroyed in one phase. When your monster is destroyed, increase this card's ATK by 300 for the remainder of the duel. If "Minny Mouse - Queen of Disney Castle" is on the field, this card is also treated as "Mickey Mouse - King of Disney Castle".






[spoiler=Wielder of the Keyblade]



During your Battle Phase and your opponent's Battle Phase, this card is treated as a LIGHT monster. This card's ATK increases by 200 for every monster on your opponent's side of the field. If "Sore - Wielder of the Keyblade" is on your side of the field, this card can attack twice in one Battle Phase.





[spoiler=Servant of the All Powerful Darkness]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card is automatically Special Summoned from your hand or your deck when "Riku - Wielder of the Keyblade" and a "Member" monster are both on your side of the field. This card's ATK increases by 200 for every monster on your opponent's side of the field. If "Riku - Wielder of the Keyblade" is on your side of the field, it is automatically destroyed and you gain 500 LP. If "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade" is on your side of the field, this card can attack twice in one Battle Phase.










If "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade" is on your side of the field, you can Special Summon 1 "Riku - Wielder of the Keyblade" from your deck or hand. If "Riku - Wielder of the Keyblade" is on your side of the field, you can Special Summon 1 "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade" from your deck or hand.







[spoiler=[b]Organization XIII[/b]]




Once per turn when this card is on the field and it is sent to the graveyard by a Spell, Trap or Monster effect, add it to your hand and Special Summon one "Member" monster from your hand.



[spoiler=Final Form]



This card is treated as "Member I - Xemnas, Leader of the In-Between". This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Member I - Xemnas, Leader of the In-Between". When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, place 1 "Battle Counter" on this card (max 10). You can remove 10 Battle Counters from this card to destroy all cards on the field. You can remove any amount of Battle Counters from this card to Special Summon any monster in your hand with an equal level to the number of Battle Counters removed.










Once per turn, place 1 "Aim Counter" on this card (max 10). When this card attacks, you must remove 1 Aim Counter from this card. If you remove two extra counters, this card can attack twice in the same Battle Phase. This card's ATK increases by an amount equal to the number of Aim Counters on this card x100.








This card cannot attack your opponent's LP directly. Once per turn, sacrifice one monster and pay up to 2000 LP. This card gains ATK equal to the amount of LP sacrificed until your End Phase. This effect cannot be activated during your opponent's turn. If this is the only monster on your side of the field and your opponent has two or more monsters on their side of the field, this card's ATK becomes its original ATK, but it can attack three times in the same Battle Phase.








When this card destroys an opponent's monster as a result of battle, look at the top 5 cards on your deck. Select one to immediately be added to your hand and one to place at the bottom of your deck. The other three are placed back on the top of your deck in any order. This card is treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a "Member" monster.








You can sacrifice two monsters on your side of the field to increase this card's level by 2 and increase it's ATK and DEF by 800. Then you can sacrifice another monster to increase this card's level by 2 and increase it's ATK and DEF by 500. Then you can sacrifice another monster to increase this card's level by 2 and increase it's ATK and DEF by 600. When this card destroys a monster in attack position, your opponent takes Direct Damage to their LP equal to this card's current level x100.








Once per turn, you can sacrifice a monster on your side of the field. Activate one of the following effects, based on the attribute of the sacrificed monster:

FIRE: Destroy one level 4 or lower monster on your opponent's side of the field.

WATER: Increase your LP by an amount equal to the level of the sacrificed monster x200.

EARTH: Your opponent cannot attack for 2 turns.

WIND: Special Summon a level 4 or lower monster from your graveyard. The monster is automatically removed from play at your End Phase.

DARK: Discard the top 10 cards on your deck to take a monster from your graveyard and add it to your hand.

LIGHT: Draw a card. If it is a level 4 or lower monster, Special Summon it to your side of the field. If not, flip a coin. If heads, it is sent to the graveyard. If tails, add the card to your hand.








When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, place 1 "Moon Counter" on this card (max 10). This card gains 200 ATK for every Moon Counter on this card. You can remove 10 Moon Counters from this card to increase this card's ATK to 4000. When this card is removed from the field, it's ATK becomes 1600. When this card is removed from the field, your opponent selects a monster on their side of the field. The selected monster gains 1000 ATK for two turns.








If you draw a Spell or Trap card while this card is face up on your side of the field, place it face down in an unoccupied Monster Zone. When it is attacked, it is automatically added to your hand and you can place 1 "Spell Counter" on this card (max 8). You can remove any amount of counters from this card and pay 1000 LP to Special Summon a monster from your hand with an equal level to the amount of counters removed. For each Spell Counter on this card, it gains 200 ATK.








Once every three turns, Special Summon three "Water Form" from your deck to your side of the field. This card cannot attack or be attacked as long as at least one "Water Form" remains on the field. This card gains 700 ATK when there is no "Water Form" on either side of the field.













Once per turn, you can sacrifice a monster on your side of the field to flip a coin. If heads, this card's ATK and DEF decrease by 1000. If tails, this card's ATK and DEF increase by 1000. This card's ATK and DEF cannot be increased or decreased except by it's own effect. If this card's ATK and DEF become 4000, lower it's ATK and DEF by 2000 and you gain 500 LP. Neither player can attack for one turn after this card's ATK and DEF reach 0. During your Draw Phase, flip a coin. If heads, draw two extra cards. If tails, flip another coin. If heads, skip your Draw Phase this turn. If tails, skip your Battle Phase this turn.



[spoiler=Exclusive Luxord]



Once per turn, you can flip a coin. If it lands on tails, discard the top five cards on your deck. If it lands on heads, roll a die. The result of your roll becomes this card's level until the End Phase of your opponent's next turn. For each level, increase this card's ATK and DEF by 500. During your Draw Phase, draw 1 extra card.



[spoiler=Japanese Version]











You can pay 1000 LP to switch control of this card with your opponent. Every turn your opponent has this card on their side of the field, you can Special Summon one monster with 2000 ATK or lower. No tributes are necessary for level 5 or higher monsters. Once per turn, you may destroy one continuous, equip, or face-down Spell or Trap card on the field.








This card can attack an extra time in the same Battle Phase for every monster on the field (excluding this monster). If "Member XI - Marluxia, Graceful Assassin" is on the field, this card can attack only once, but can also attack directly.








This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set except by the effect of "Roxas - Mysterious Child of Innocence". This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for every "Member" monster on your side of the field.






Once per turn, if you Normal Summon a level 4 or lower monster while this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon an additional level 4 or lower monster from your hand.










This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card is automatically Special Summoned from your hand or your deck when "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade" and a "Member" monster are both on your side of the field. This card's DEF increases by 100 for every monster in your graveyard. If "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade" is on your side of the field, it is automatically destroyed and you gain 500 LP. If "Member XIII - Roxas, Key of Destiny" is on your side of the field, gain LP during your Standby Phase equal to the number of "Member" monsters in your graveyard x100.








[spoiler=Fiery Globe]







If this card is set in Defense Position, switch it to Attack Position. If this card destroyed your opponent's monster as a result of battle, it can attack again in the same Battle Phase.








If this card is set in Defense Position, switch it to Attack Position. This card can only attack the 1 face-up monster your opponent controls that has the highest ATK. (If it's a tie, you get to choose.) If there are no monsters on your opponent's side of the field during your Battle Phase, sacrifice this card to summon up to two "Heartless - Air Pirate" from your deck or hand.





[spoiler=Air Pirate]



If this card is set in Defense Position, switch it to Attack Position. Increase this card's ATK by 1000 for every "Heartless - Air Pirate" on your side of the field (excluding this card).





[spoiler=Armored Guard]



If this card is set in Defense Position, switch it to Attack Position. This card can attack twice in the same Battle Phase. If this card destroys a monster as a result of battle during both of it's attacks, it can attack a third time in the same Battle Phase. If this card attacks a third time, it can attack your opponent's LP directly at the cost of 1000 LP.








If this card is set in Defense Position except by it's own effect, switch it to Attack Position. If this card would be destroyed as a result of battle while in Attack Position, flip it to Defense Position instead. This card cannot be attacked in Defense Position if there is another "Heartless" monster on your side of the field.



[spoiler=Stronger Version]



If this card is set in Defense Position except by it's own effect, switch it to Attack Position. If this card would be destroyed as a result of battle while in Attack Position, flip it to Defense Position instead. This card cannot be attacked in Defense Position if there is another "Heartless" monster on your side of the field.







[spoiler=Creeper Plant]



If this card is set in Defense Position, switch it to Attack Position. When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summoned, or Flip Summoned, you can sacrifice one monster from your side of the field or two monsters from your hand to increase it's DEF by 1000 for the remainder of the turn and switch it to Defense Position.





[spoiler=Bolt Tower]



If this card is set in Defense Position, switch it to Attack Position. If a trap card is activated during your Battle Phase, this card cannot be destroyed this turn and can attack again even if it has already attacked in the current Battle Phase.







[spoiler=[b]Specific Worlds[/b]]

[spoiler=Disney Castle]




When a monster is Special Summoned, the owner must select one monster on their side of the field and destroy it. When "Mickey Mouse - King of Disney Castle" is face-up on your side of the field, you gain 500 LP during each of your Standby Phases.








When this card is summoned, Special Summon 1 "Donald Duck - Royal Magician of Disney Castle" from your deck or hand. When a "Donald Duck - Royal Magician of Disney Castle" that was Special Summoned by this card's effect is in your graveyard, this card gains 2000 ATK.








When a monster on your side of the field is destroyed, you can tribute this card on your side of the field to Special Summon it to your side of the field. If there is another monster on your side of the field, this card cannot be attacked.







[spoiler=Beast's Castle]




FLIP: Special Summon a "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster from your hand.



[spoiler=Exclusive Beast]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This car can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Beast - Cursed Prince". When this card is Special Summoned, pay 1000 LP. When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, you must choose a non-equip Spell or Trap card and destroy it. If there are only equip Spell cards on the field or there are no Spells or Traps on the field, draw 1 card.










If "Beast - Cursed Prince" or "Beast - Wielder of the Keyblade" is on your side of the field, increase your LP by 500 during each of your Standby Phases.








When a DARK monster is summoned, place 1 "Light Counter" on this card (max 3). This card can attack an extra time in the same Battle Phase for every Light Counter on this card. You can remove 3 Light Counters from this card to increase it's ATK by 2000. It is destroyed during the next End Phase.








When "Cursed Candelabra - Lumiere" would be destroyed by it's own effect, sacrifice this card to Special Summon it and place 2 "Light Counters" on it.





[spoiler=Mrs. Potts]



When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, your opponent takes 500 points of Direct Damage to their LP and you can Special Summon 1 "Cursed Tea Cup - Chip" from your Hand or Deck.








If there is another monster on your side of the field, this card cannot be attacked. Once per turn, place 1 "Tea Counter" on this card (max 3). You can remove 3 Tea Counters to Special Summon "Cursed Tea Pot - Mrs. Potts" from your graveyard. If there is another monster besides this card and "Cursed Tea Pot - Mrs. Potts", neither card can be attacked.











[spoiler=Land of the Dragons]




This card cannot be attacked if there is another monster on your side of the field. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, Special Summon it to your side of the field instead and increase it's ATK by 1000. It is then destroyed during your End Phase.








This card is automatically Special Summoned from your hand or deck when you summon "Mulan - Courageous Warrior". "Mulan - Courageous Warrior" cannot be destroyed if this card is face-up on the field. When this card is destroyed, "Mulan - Courageous Warrior" is destroyed instead. When "Mulan - Courageous Warrior" is in the graveyard, increase this card's ATK by 2000.





[spoiler=Shan Yu]



When this card attacks your opponent's LP directly, you can Special Summon a level 4 or lower monster from your hand.







[spoiler=Halloween Town]

[spoiler=Halloween Sora]



This card is treated as "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade". This card is also treated as a Warrior type monster. This card can only be Normal Summoned by tributing 1 "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade" while "Battleground - Halloween Town" is face-up on the field. If "Battleground - Halloween Town is destroyed while this card is face-up on the field, destroy this card and Special Summon 1 "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade" from your graveyard. During your Battle Phase and your opponent's Battle Phase, this card is treated as a LIGHT monster. This card's ATK increases by 200 for every monster on your opponent's side of the field. When a monster is destroyed while this card is face-up on the field, the owner of the destroyed monster takes 500 points of Direct Damage to their LP.





[spoiler=Halloween Donald]



This card is treated as "Donald Duck - Royal Magician of Disney Castle". This card is also treated as a Beast Warrior type monster. This card can only be Normal Summoned by tributing 1 "Donald Duck - Royal Magician of Disney Castle" while "Battleground - Halloween Town" is face-up on the field. If "Battleground - Halloween Town" is destroyed while this card is face-up on the field, destroy this card and Special Summon 1 "Donald Duck - Royal Magician of Disney Castle" from your graveyard. During your Battle Phase and your opponent's Battle Phase, this card is treated as a LIGHT monster. When a monster is sent to the graveyard, activate one of the following effects based on the attribute of the tributed monster:

FIRE: Switch a monster in Defense Position (excluding this card) to Attack Position. The selected monster cannot change positions except by a Spell, Trap or Monster effect. The owner of the selected monster must choose an amount 100 through 1300. The selected amount is decreased from the selected monster's ATK and added to this monster's DEF for three turns.

WATER: Roll a die. An amount equal to the result of your roll is subtracted to your opponent's LP x300. Your opponent selects a monster on your side of the field. The selected monster cannot attack or switch positions except by a Spell, Trap or Monster effect.

WIND: You can Special Summon a level 4 or lower monster from your hand by decreasing your LP by an amount equal to the Special Summoned monster's DEF. The monster cannot switch positions except by a Spell, Trap or Monster effect. If the monster is still on the field on the third turn it was Special Summoned by this card's effect, it is returned to your hand, and you gain 500 LP.

EARTH: Your opponent cannot attack for 3 turns. Your opponent rolls a die. You cannot attack for an amount of turns equal to the result of your opponent's roll. If this card is removed from the field before the selected amount of turns is up, your opponent can attack again.

LIGHT: Place 1 "Spell Counter" on this card (max 5).

DARK: You can remove 4 Spell Counters from this card to Special Summon "Sora - Wielder of the Key Blade", "Goofy - Captain of the Royal Knights", "Jack Skellington - The Pumpkin King" or "Sally - Weaver of Flesh".





[spoiler=Halloween Goofy]



This card is treated as "Goofy - Royal Knight of Disney Castle". This card is also treated as a Beast Warrior type monster. This card can only be Normal Summoned by tributing 1 "Goofy - Royal Knight of Disney Castle" while "Battleground - Halloween Town" is face-up on the field. If "Battleground - Halloween Town is destroyed while this card is face-up on the field, destroy this card and Special Summon 1 "Goofy - Royal Knight of Disney Castle" from your graveyard. During your Battle Phase and your opponent's Battle Phase, this card is treated as a LIGHT monster. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. This card can attack while in face-up Defense Position. While in Defense Position, increase this card's DEF by 1000 and it's ATK by 300.








When this card is summoned, pay 1000 LP. Once per turn when this card would be destroyed, it is not. You can tribute 2 monsters on your side of the field to allow this card to attack your opponent's LP directly. If there is another Zombie type monster on your side of the field, this card cannot be attacked.



[spoiler=Santa Jack]



When this card is summoned, pay 2000 LP. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, you can tribute one monster on your side of the field to negate the attack and reduce all battle damage to 0. You can tribute 2 monsters on your side of the field to allow this card to attack your opponent's LP directly. If this card doesn't attack this turn, it cannot be attacked during your opponent's next turn.







[spoiler=Lock, Shock and Barrel]















[spoiler=Oogie Boogie]






When in attack position, this card's DEF is reduced to 0. When switched from defense position to attack position, Special Summon 1 "Insect Beast Token" (Insect-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 2000/DEF 0). When it is destroyed, increase this card's ATK by 1000 until your next End Phase. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon two "Insect Beast Tokens" to your side of the field.













This card gains 1000 ATK when battling a DARK monster. You can skip your Draw Phase to remove this card from play. On the fifth turn after this card was removed from play by it's own effect, it is Special Summoned to your side of the field, you gain 1000 LP and your opponent loses 2000 LP. While this card is out of play,you must skip your Draw Phase.








This card gains 1000 ATK when battling a LIGHT monster. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by it's own effect. Instead of Special Summoning "Cloud Strife - Warrior of the Endless Struggle Within" by it's own effect, you can Special Summon this monster from your hand in it's place, and return "Cloud Strife - Warrior of the Endless Struggle Within" to your graveyard. When this card attacks, both players lose 1000 LP. If your opponent would lose all their remaining LP by this card's effect, increase their LP by 100. If this card is destroyed as a result of battle, you can Special Summon 1 "Cloud Strife - Warrior of the Endless Struggle Within" from your graveyard.








When this card is Special Summoned, destroy one face-up level 4 or lower monster OR destroy one face-down Spell or Trap card.











[spoiler=Rumbling Rose]



This card can only be equipped to a "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster or "Beast - Cursed Prince". Increase an equipped monster's ATK by 400 and take another equip Spell card from your deck and add it to your hand. An equipped monster can attack twice in one Battle Phase by decreasing it's ATK by 1000 for the remainder of the duel.





[spoiler=Hidden Dragon]



This card can only be equipped to a "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster or "Mulan - Courageous Warrior". Increase an equipped monster's ATK and DEF by 600. You can decrease an equipped monster's ATK and increase it's DEF by an amount equal to the amount of ATK you decreased.





[spoiler=Decisive Pumpkin]



There can only be one "Keyblade" Spell card equipped with one monster at a time. This card can only be equipped to a "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster or "Jack Skellington - The Pumpkin King". Increase an equipped monster's ATK by 1000. If an equipped monster attacks more than once in the same Battle Phase, it can attack again. If an equipped monster attacks your opponent's LP directly, it can attack again normally.








[spoiler=Beast's Castle]



When this card is played, Special Summon "Beast - Cursed Prince" from your deck or hand. Monsters with 2000 ATK or lower can attack twice in one Battle Phase if you pay LP equal to the monster's original ATK. All "Wielder of the Keyblade" monsters gain 500 ATK.





[spoiler=Land of Dragons]



When this card is played, Special Summon "Mulan - Courageous Warrior" from your deck or hand. "Mulan - Courageous Warrior" and "Mushu - Amateur Guardian of the Fa Family" gain 700 ATK. All "Wielder of the Keyblade" monsters gain 500 ATK.








[spoiler=Halloween Town]



When a monster is destroyed as a result of battle, the owner can pay LP equal to half the monster's ATK to Special Summon it to your side of the field and treat it as a Zombie type monster until it's owner's next End Phase. The card is destroyed during it's owner's next End Phase. A monster can only be Special Summoned by this effect once per turn.





[spoiler=Oogie's Manor]



This card is also treated as "Battleground - Halloween Town". "Oogie Booge - Melodical Nightmare" and "Insect Beast Token" gain 1000 ATK. All "Heartless" monsters can be placed in Defense Position by paying 500 LP regardless of effect.








[spoiler=Seal of Forgiveness]



If "Beast - Cursed Prince" and "Princess of Heart III - Belle" are both face-up on your side of the field, sacrifice "Beast - Cursed Prince" to Special Summon "Beast - Wielder of the Keyblade" from your deck or hand. All "Wielder of the Keyblade" monsters' ATK increases by 200 for every "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster on the field.





[spoiler=Seal of Love]



When a monster is destroyed as a result of battle, the owner gains LP equal to the level of the attacking monster x300. If the destroyed monster was a "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster, the owner gains an additional 1000 LP. All "Wielder of the Keyblade" monsters' ATK increases by 200 for every "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster on the field.





[spoiler=Seal of Trustworthiness]



When this card is activated, remove from play 1 monster on your side of the field and destroy all other monsters on your side of the field. When this card is destroyed, the monster that was removed from play by this card's effect is Special Summoned and can attack your opponent's LP directly during your next Battle Phase. All "Wielder of the Keyblade" monsters' ATK increases by 200 for every "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster on the field.











This card can only be equipped to a "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster or "Genie - Mystical Spirit of the Lamp". Increase the equipped monster's ATK by 500. The equipped monster can be equipped with two "Keyblade" Spell cards, regardless of it's effect. If this card is equipped to "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade", you can tribute "Goofy - Royal Knight of Disney Castle" to increase the monster's ATK by an extra 1000 and it can attack twice in one Battle Phase at the cost of 1000 LP.








This card can only be equipped to a "Wielder of the Keyblade" monster that was equipped with "Valor Form", "Wisdom Form" or "Master Form" and the Equip Spell card was destroyed. Increase the equipped monster's ATK and DEF by 1000. The equipped monster can be equipped with two "Keyblade" Spell cards, regardless of it's effect. If this card is equipped to "Sora - Wielder of the Keyblade", remove from play 1 "Valor Form", 1 "Wisdom Form" and 1 "Master Form" to allow it to attack 3 times in one Battle Phase. When this card is destroyed, remove the monster that was equipped with it from play and you gain 1000 LP.







[spoiler=Demyx Support]







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