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[DISC] Gladiator Beasts

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Okay if you dont know what the Gladiator Beast archtype is, you dont belong in this topic. Okay now this is kind of a discussion on the archtype as a whole, bu moreso on the fall of the dominance of the arena. Gladiators have continued to get more and more support as more packs came out, and yet they continue to fall out of the spotlight. People say the limit of Bestiari killed it but I dont think so, whats 1 less Bestiari? Most good Gladiator Beast players only played 2 Bestiari before it was limited anyway. However the speed of Gladiator Beasts mostly came from the stil-at-3 free tag known as Test Tiger. Gladiator Beasts dominated until Tele-DAD came out, and then dominated breifly again after TeleDAD left, using Monk along with tech such as Plaguespreader to keep up with the synchro abilities and kept their own dominance. So what has caused the decline in their dominance? What knocked them off the stage completely?

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