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Made Cards and The Fourth Egyptian God Card


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Well These are some cards I made, and only one was translated, give me all your opinions, and thanks for looking at them and giving your opinion. Kudos


Magic and Trap Card


Note: I wanted to find a good pic for that, but I did my best



Note: Well its a good Title for it



Note: Not my best idea for this trap card


Field Cards



Note: The Theory of 2012 LMAO



Note: It looks a little bit Synchro


Ritual Cards



Note: My Favorite Hero



Note: I translated the card from japanese


Egyptian God Card


Note: When having more then 4000 life points, for every card in your deck, he receives 200 attack points, if less then 4000 life points , every card in your deck is 100 attack points, for every draw you lose attack based on life points increase or decrease. Second effect is for every card in your hand you place in graveyard. You can choose a card in your opponents graveyard and remove it from play

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Guest Delinquent Girl NiAtSoFi

Norsewemko and her Rit Card already exist. Doesn't matter if you just translated it to English. One could still argue plagiarism. Onuris 1) has a blurry Divine Neos art 2) is unbelieveably unrealistic 3) Must have the effect written ON the card 4) 0X00 is not a really value. Link needs an effect. This isn't the year 2003; all Rituals have effects. The card lore is really terrible. It feels like I'm reading a book rather than a card effect. Observe and Report's discard effect should say something about randomly discarding from the opponent if you insist on the "pick another card" part. "Choose another card" makes them card not only tedious, but OP'd and could cause an infinite loop if your opponent doesn't have a monster in their hand.


Study the style of how the card's are written at Yugioh Wikia. Until then...


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Not good really. First, for endure you just wrote the effect in the longest and most boring way you could. It could just say, "Activate only when an opponent's monster declares an attack that would reduce your Life Points to 0. Negate the attack and reduce your Life Points to 1."

Also, the link card should go in Pop culture.

Next, don't use pics of already existing cards ( and for that matter dont make egyptian gods, they're really old.)

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