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(∑cl¡p§e}= D.D.S Different Dimension Summoner


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This card not be Summoned form your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. This card's ATK and DEF are equal to the number of monsters in your Removed From Play Card Zone X 100. Once per turn, you can skip your next Draw Phase to Special Summon Monster Card from your Removed From Play Card Zone, to the field in face-up Attack Position (ignoring the Summoning conditions).


Rate, fix.[/align]

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Not bad, the image is nice and the OCG is fine.


The Summoning conditions are pretty harsh though, since it really can't be Summoned except if it is removed from play from your hand or something. I think that should be let up a bit, but keep it restricted enough to balance the effect, since as of now the real effect of the card could be powerful in a DD deck.


Also, In my opinion, the name should just be "Different Dimension Summoner" (take out D.D.S.). Even though I know it is like DD Master.

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Bengal, the ocg is not fine it has its mistakes, some big ones as well



"This card cannot be Summoned from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. This card's ATK and DEF are equal to the number of your monsters that are removed from play. Once per turn, you can skip your next Draw Phase to Special Summon 1 monster that is currently removed from play (ignoring the Summoning conditions)."


The card isn't great in my opinion it is to hard to summon considering that its effect isn't all that great, the pic is quiet good overall i give 6/10

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I consider "fine" to be, well, fine. Which means there may be some errors, but it doesn't impede your understanding of the effect, and the capitalization is for the most part correct.


Anyways, here is the real OCG fix:


This card cannot be Summoned from your hand, Deck or Graveyard. This card's ATK and DEF are equal to the number of your removed from play monsters. Once per turn, you can skip your Draw Phase to Special Summoned 1 of your removed from play monsters (ignoring Summoning conditions).


*Referred to Gren Maju Da Eiza for part of the effect

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