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Ojamas got a make-over

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Yup, an Ojama deck that runs Chacu Challhua, lol.


Total: 40 (of course)




3x Ojama Yellow

3x Ojama Green

3x Ojama Black

2x Ojama Red

3x Ojama Blue

1x Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua

1x Light Hex Sealed

1x Proto Cyber Dragon

1x Shining Angel


Spells: 17


3x Ojama Country

3x Ojama Delta Hurricane

2x Ojamagic

1x Field Barrier

1x Polymerization

1x Super Polymerization

2x Instant Fusion

2x Natural Tune

1x Pot of Avarice

1x MST


Traps: 5


1x Ojama Trio

1x DNA Surgery

1x Call of the Haunted

2x Waboku


Extra: 14


2x Ojama King

2x Ojama Knight

2x Chimeratech Overdragon

1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

1x Cyber Twin Dragon

2x Trident Dragion

2x Collosal Fighter

2x Gaia Knight


[spoiler=Win Goals]

1. Ojama swarm + hurricane = 5000D per turn

2. Knight + King = No Monsters = Lulz

3. Chimeratech lulz

4. Trident Dragion OTK:[spoiler=Dragion OTK]A. Swarm (blue, red, yellow, green, black)

B. Set two face downs if not having one and Country

C. Natural Tune

D. DNA Surgery Turn all to Dragon

E. Hurricane

F. Tune for 10 = Dragion

G. Destroy Remaining cards on your field

H. Dragion Attacks for 9000 damage. (though very hard to pull off ;))


5. Chacu Challhua Attack and burn




I've tested and it works great! Fun to play, and gives many win options, though can be slow at times :P Unfortunately I lost my RescueKitten :( But will put in once found.


Thanks everyone!

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