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Latest IRL-Machine Dup

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3|Junk Synchron


3|Cyber Valley

3|Darksea Rescue

2|Chaos Sorcerer

1|Dark Armed Dragon

1|Plaguespreader Zombie



1|Nitro Synchron

1|Cyber Dragon



3|Machine Duplication

2|Allure of Darkness

1|Foolish Burial

1|One for One


1|Heavy Storm

1|Gold Sarcophagus

1|Brain Control

1|Mind Control

1|Reinforcement of the Army



2|Bottomless Trap Hole

1|Torrential Tribute

1|Mirror Force

1|Call of the Haunted


Extra Deck(15)

1|Armory Arm

1|Junk Warrior

1|Magical Android

1|Goyo Guardian

1|Iron Chain Dragon

1|Gaia Kngiht, Force of Earth

1|Black Rose Dragon

1|X-Saber Urbellum

1|Ancient Fairy Dragon

1|Nitro Warrior

2|Stardust Dragon

1|Thought Ruler Archfiend

1|Colossal Fighter

1|Red Dragon Archfiend


Made this thing this morning. not sold on it. I know it needs 2 more De-Synchros but I can't find them/Room for them. this is IRL so a second Gold Sarco is not an option for now.


help is appreciated! +Rep for ACTUAL help

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Tonisanoob might mean that It has no added benefit besides synching for Nitro Warrior.


btw, in this deck Nitro Warrior = Beast. If I sunch for him via Nitro and 3 other draw cards, thats 4 draws. if I cold wave'd the backfield, or cleared it. Armory arm + Nitro Warrior = Direct Attack worth 3800 + possible second 3800. and no, Armory arm is NOT hard to synch for with this. niether is Nitro.


besides I only have one in there, he's not hurting anything.

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Needs more Quick Synchron.


I was thinking of him' date=' this is IRL though, so I gotta wait until Octorber 31st, I'm going to a Midnight Sneak, and a mid-day sneak. If I don;t get a Quick Synchron then I'll kick myself.


btw, love the new avatar. It looks awesurm.


1 or 2?



Thx. 2 I guess?

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