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~[[Jelly Mothership]]~


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[align=center][b]Jelly Mothership[/b]


[spoiler=Lore:]When this card is Summoned, it is switched to Defense Position. When a Fish-Type Monster is Summoned, place 1 Jelly Counter on this card (max 8). For every Jelly Counter on this card, increase this card's ATK by 200. As long as you control another Fish-Type Monster, your opponent cannot select another Fish-Type monster you control as an attack target. When this card attacks, halve this card's ATK. When this card is attacked, double this card's ATK.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Pic Credit]http://guterrez.deviantart.com/art/jellyfish-50714779[/spoiler]

Note: This card is used in junction with Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth. Oh and Battlemania
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you must mean max 8 for the counters (put a space between the "8" and the " ) " )


*200 is a bit low for it though' date=' make it *300 instead





Agreed, raise the ATK gain a bit, and it should be "Your opponent cannot select another Fish-type monster as an attack target" instead of:


"As long as you control another Fish-Type Monster, your opponent cannot select another Fish-Type monster you control as an attack target."


Doesn't seem too great, since ATK is really low :(



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FIX: When this card is Summoned, it is switched to face-up Defense Position. When a Fish-Type monster is Summoned, place 1 Jelly Counter on this card (max 8 ). For each Jelly Counter on this card, this card gains 200 ATK. While you control another Fish-Type monster, your opponent cannot select another Fish-Type monster you control as an attack target. When this card attacks, halve this card's ATK before Damage Calculation. When this card is attacked, double this card's ATK.


Pic is meh. Effect is interesting.



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