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United Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Makers | Welcome benguinboo| Let The Tag Set Contest Begin!!!


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Welcome to United Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Makers

Welcome to United Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Makers

[align=center]This club is for Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Makers of the Realistic Cards Section. Members basically create Realistic Cards, and then other members of the club would rate and correct any errors on the card. We help each other in becoming great card makers.


Dr. Gentle donated some more prizes to the Tag Set Competition. (NOTE: The judging will start on November 7' date=' so be ready. That's plenty of time. Round One challenge is Make 10 monsters for your Set and 5 Support Cards. Once team will be eliminated. You can still join with a partner until November 6.



~Most Creative - 3 REP

~Most Useful - 3 REP

~Most Weird - 2 REP + 100 Points

~Best Set - 6 REP + 150 Points


WOW! 6 REPs!!!!


Come on Join Now! :D[/quote']



The first round of the Tag Set Competition is making 5 monsters with 5 Support Cards! If you are already done' date=' PM me and Judging will begin on your Set. [NOTE: I and Masquerade Beauty will not judge our own Set']

Good Luck.

*Last Minute Team-ups are still accepted. :D



The Poll rating was tricky' date=' but we finally have our new Mod! Congratulations Masquerade Beauty for winning the Poll. Also, I've made some changes to the prizes for the Tag-Set Competition!


~Most Creative - 2 REP

~Most Useful - 2 REP

~Most Weird - 1 REP + 100 Points

~Best Set - 3 REP + 50 Points


*Prizes are still bound to change*[/quote']



Wow' date=' the club no has a lot of members! Down to business, MB suggested a Partner Set for the club. So every one must find a Partner in the club and create an EPIC Set!!! As a Bonus, I will also make a Competition for it.

Prizes are:

~Most Creative - 1 REP

~Most Useful - 1 REP

~Most Weird - 1 REP

~Best Set - 3 REP


*Prizes are bound to change*


In other News, we now have a Referral System. Look at the Referral Section for more details. [/b']


Let's Get Started


1. No Spamming

2. No Flaming

3. If you want your card rated, post the link here. We will view and rate it as fast as possible.

4. No Revenge Negs or Neg Spamming

5. Respect and be nice to other members

6. Have Fun!



[spoiler=Registration Form(Please PM me)]


Entrance Card:

Referred by:


UYCM Groups

Members are classified to their Rank according to their Entrance Card which was submitted in the form.

[spoiler=Club Mods]

1. Άř¢ħėłäűŝ

2. Masquerade Beauty

3. Dr. Gentle


[spoiler=Rank NOTE:]

There can only be 10 Master Card Makers at a time.


[spoiler=Rookie Card Makers]

1. LK123




[spoiler=Novice Card Makers]

1. DarkSleep

2. DemonX

3. Yugioh3600

4. Herokumo

5. Bassa2

6. Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's

7. benguinboo


[spoiler=Expert Card Makers]

1. chizuruotohime


3. Namo™

4. ♥Łövëły Łäđy♥

5. Max Darkness

6. ToOo0n Pr!Nc3

7. The Godslayer

8. Mindscatter

9. Silent Magician 2.0

10. Lexadin


12. Arc

13. Leo

14. Jolta

15. →мαthєus.

16. Eclipse

17. Saiba Aisu

18. Fallenfanel21

19. blamonchesix

20. Glass


[spoiler=Master Card Makers]

1. Emo-Te

2 Masquerade Beauty

3. Max Darkness

4. Sephiroth_the_Legend

5. Jigglypuff

6. Dr. Gentle

7. Spike

8. Frozen Judgment


[spoiler=How to Upgrade your Rank]

You must PM me, Άř¢ħėłäűŝ, this form:


Rank Test Card:


If your card is good enough, you get a Rank-Up.


Club Partners

[spoiler=Team One]

Archelaus and Masquerade Beauty


[spoiler=Team Two]

Max Darkness and Dr. Gentle


[spoiler=Team Three]

woohoo777 and Leo


[spoiler=Team Four]

Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's and Bassa2


[spoiler=Team Five]

Silent Magician 2.0 and Jolta


[spoiler=Team Six]



[spoiler=Team Seven]

DemonX and MindScatter


Let's Rate!

[spoiler=Want your Thread/Card advertised?]

Then PM me the Link and I'll put it up here. :D


[spoiler=Let's Rate Succubus's Sinbearer Dragon]

Click Here :D


[spoiler=Let's Rate chizuruotohime's The Sun, The Moon and The End]

Click HERE :D


[spoiler=Let's Rate Dr. Gentle's Trauer Cards]

Click HERE :D


[spoiler=Let's Rate Namo™'s Brand New Booster]

Click HERE :D


[spoiler=Let's Rate Silent Magician 2.0's Seven Knights Set]

Click HERE :D


[spoiler=Let's Rate woohoo777's Pirate Alliance]

Click HERE :D


[spoiler=Let's Rate Fallenfanel21's Final Battle Set]

Click HERE :D


[spoiler=Let's Rate Saiba Aisu's Japanese Fancy Heroes]

Click HERE:D


[spoiler=Let's Rate Arc's Die Once Again Set]

Click HERE:D


[spoiler=Let's Rate Max Darkness's Dark City]

Click HERE:D


[spoiler=Lexadin's New Card]

Click HERE:D


[spoiler=Frozen Judgment's New Set]



[spoiler=Let's Rate Matheus's Card]




[spoiler=What is Referral?]

This is a new feature here in our club. Whenever you invite a certain amount of members, you get an awesome award, REP and even Points.


[spoiler=Referral Rules]

1. The invited member must be 3 Stars or higher, to prevent double accounts and inactive members to be referred.

2. Your Username must be on the Referral Part of the Registration PM. OR he/she claims you referred him/her.

3. Anyone who does not follow this rules and complains without prior reason is subjected to being banned.


[spoiler=Referral Prizes]

1 Referral - 10 Points

3 Referral - 50 Points

5 Referral - 1 REP

10 Referral - 100 Points

15 Referral - 2 REPs

20 Referral - Gold Member Award + 150 Points

30 Referral - Mod + 3 REPs


*Prizes are subjected to change any time*


[spoiler=Referral Points]

Once you get a Referral, you will get a Referral Point Card. This will show how much referrals you have made. PM me to get an updated version of your card.


Hall of Fame

[spoiler=Card of the Month]Once per month, a random member will have his/her card up here as the Best Card of the Month.


Hall of Shame

[spoiler=Banned Members]






[spoiler=Battle Royale - Die Once Again by Arc]Join/View it Here



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Username: Succubus Queen

Entrance Card:

[spoiler=Tortured Synchron:]



This card cannot be destroyed. Any battle damage you take involving this card is doubled. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can send 3 Zombie-Type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. During your Standby Phase, if this card is in face-up Defense Position, discard 2 cards. If you do not, return this card to the bottom of your Deck.


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Username: Chizuruotohime

Entrance Card:

[align=center][spoiler=Valkyria, the Splendid Arch-Angel of the Beginning]



This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Tribute Summoned by Tributing 2 Level 6 or higher Fairy-Type monsters and 1 Level 5 or lower Fiend-Type monster you control. This card's Type is also treated as Fiend-Type. This card's original ATK and DEF becomes the sum of the ATK of the Tributed monsters. This card cannot be destroyed by a card effect your opponent controls.When your Life Points are lower than your opponent's Life Points, increase this card's ATK by that difference. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.


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Username: Chizuruotohime

Entrance Card:

[align=center][spoiler=Valkyria' date= the Splendid Arch-Angel of the Beginning]



This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Tribute Summoned by Tributing 2 Level 6 or higher Fairy-Type monsters and 1 Level 5 or lower Fiend-Type monster you control. This card's Type is also treated as Fiend-Type. This card's original ATK and DEF becomes the sum of the ATK of the Tributed monsters. This card cannot be destroyed by a card effect your opponent controls.When your Life Points are lower than your opponent's Life Points, increase this card's ATK by that difference. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.



Welcome! Your Rank is Expert Card Maker. Please Enjoy your stay. :D


EDIT: Added Succubus Queen's Sinbearer Dragon in the Let's Rate Section. So is chizuruotohime's The Sun, The Moon and, The End.

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Username: Emo-te

Entrance Card: How 'bout I just...



Midnight Cat (Level 6/ATK 2300, DEF 1000/DARK) Secret Rare

[beast/Effect] This card is treated as a "Dark City" monster. You can Special Summon this card from your hand by removing from play 1 "Dark City" monster you control. Each time a card is sent to the Graveyard, except by this card's effect, you can pay 500 Life Points to discard 1 card from your hand to add 1 card from your Deck to your hand. When this card i sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 "Dark City" monster from your Deck.







Dark City Avenger (Level 8/ATK 2400, DEF 2000/DARK) Secret Rare

[Warrior/Effect] You can Special Summon this card from your hand when a monster you control with 1500 ATK or more is destroyed by battle. Once per turn, you can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard until the End Phase. The Special Summoned monster's ATK is halved. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, decrease the Level of all monsters in your hand by 2 until your next Standby Phase.







Dark City Eradicator (Level 7/ATK 2600, DEF 1600/DARK) Secret Rare

[Machine/Effect] During your Draw Phase, if you draw this card, you can tribute 1 monster you control to Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can send 1 card you control to the Graveyard to destroy 1 card your opponent controls. If you sent this card to the Graveyard by this card's effect, destroy all monsters on the field. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, except by its own effect, you can discard 1 card from your hand to add 1 "Dark City" monster from your Deck to your hand.





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B-But I iz epix wit card makin'. Wai iz I not Master Card Makin' Maker?


I know your Epic. But standard rules apply, you need to win a contest first which isn't hard since your are really good. I guess I'll abolish that rule sooner or later and I'll have to put worthy members in that section. lol

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B-But I iz epix wit card makin'. Wai iz I not Master Card Makin' Maker?


I know your Epic. But standard rules apply' date=' you need to win a contest first which isn't hard since your are really good. I guess I'll abolish that rule sooner or later and I'll have to put worthy members in that section. lol



How 'bout you abolish it nao.

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Yeah, thx for the Invitation

Would love to join



Username: Dr.Gentle

Entrance Card:..i cant decide..

[spoiler= Card]262318e.jpg


+ card..just for fun^^



[spoiler=View Effect]This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned. This card can only be Special Summoned if each of your Monster Card Zones are unoccupied. When this card is Summoned treat each of your Monster Card Zones as occupied. As long this card remains face-up on the field, you cannot place any face-down Trap or Spell Card. The effects of each face-up Spell or Trap Card you control is negated. Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card you control to destroy 1 card your opponent controls. If this card declares an attack it's ATK and DEF are increased by 800 for each occupied Monster, Spell and Trap Card Zone on your opponent's side of the field. If this card was destroyed by battle, your Life Points are increased by 500 each time you Summon a monster, as long this card remains in your Graveyard.



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Thanks for the invite ;)

Username: Namo

[spoiler=Entrance Card]



Discard 1 card and remove from play 1 monster on the field. Once per turn, by discarding 1 card from your Hand and Special Summon 1 "Locus-Like Creature Token"(Insect-Type/WIND/level 5/ATK 2000/ DEF 2000) to your side of the field. Everytime a "Locus-Like Creature Token" is Summoned, place 1 Token on each of your opponents monster.(Even Face-Down monsters) Monsters with Tokens on them cannot be destroyed by battle involving a "Locus-Like Creature Token(s)"






do I like get to be a mod? XD

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Thanks for the invite ;)

Username: Namo

[spoiler=Entrance Card]



Discard 1 card and remove from play 1 monster on the field. Once per turn' date=' by discarding 1 card from your Hand and Special Summon 1 "Locus-Like Creature Token"(Insect-Type/WIND/level 5/ATK 2000/ DEF 2000) to your side of the field. Everytime a "Locus-Like Creature Token" is Summoned, place 1 Token on each of your opponents monster.(Even Face-Down monsters) Monsters with Tokens on them cannot be destroyed by battle involving a "Locus-Like Creature Token(s)"






do I like get to be a mod? XD


Expert Card Maker Rank. Welcome!:D

Mod? We'll have a Poll about it. :D


I wanna be a mod' date=' ME, ME, ME!!! :3



We'll have a Poll. :D



Sweet. My card's up on the Let's Rate list =D


It's a great card after all. :D


Tortured Synchron is better :P


Yeah. hahaha

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Thanks for the invite ;)

Username: Namo

[spoiler=Entrance Card]



Discard 1 card and remove from play 1 monster on the field. Once per turn' date=' by discarding 1 card from your Hand and Special Summon 1 "Locus-Like Creature Token"(Insect-Type/WIND/level 5/ATK 2000/ DEF 2000) to your side of the field. Everytime a "Locus-Like Creature Token" is Summoned, place 1 Token on each of your opponents monster.(Even Face-Down monsters) Monsters with Tokens on them cannot be destroyed by battle involving a "Locus-Like Creature Token(s)"






do I like get to be a mod? XD


Expert Card Maker Rank. Welcome!:D

Mod? We'll have a Poll about it. :D


haha Cool ;3 yay im an expert XD

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