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Some sort of... [DMU]


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...Bushi deck with Junk Archer.


Monsters: 19.

Armageddon Knight x3

Junk Synchron x2

Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak x3

Marauding Captain x2

Necro Gardna x3

Plaguespreader Zombie

The Immortal Bushi x3

Torapart x2


Spells: 15

Allure of Darkness x2

Book of Moon x2

Brain Control

Burial from a Different Dimension

Gold Sarcophagus x2

Mind Control

Reinforcement of the Army

Solidarity x3

The Warrior Returning Alive x2


Traps: 7

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Call of the Haunted

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x2

Return from the Different Dimension

Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck: 15

Black Rose Dragon

Colossal Fighter x3

Dark-End Dragon

Goyo Guardian

Junk Archer x3

Stardust Dragon

Thought Ruler Archfiend

X-Saber Urbellum x2

X-Saber Wayne x2


Xander Clause:

http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Junk_Archer <- Junk Archer

http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/X-Saber_Wayne <- X-Saber Wayne


Basically beatsticking and synchroing, then building up ATK with Solidarity. Junk Archer is fair toolbox and a good LV7.

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