BanishedZaber Posted October 18, 2009 Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 Thought these up while devising a Yugioh fan fiction. There are five new synchro dragon cards, and five cards that "combo" with them to make best use of their effects or make them a little easier to summon. Dragons[spoiler=Dark Destiny Dragon]Dark Destiny DragonDragon/Synchro/Effect4200/3000/Dark/Level 121 tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monstersIf there are 3 or more dragon type monsters in your graveyard, you can treat a level 7 or higher dragon type monster you control as a tuner monster for the synchro summon of this card. This card only really works in two types of decks: straight dragon decks and synchro decks. It works well in the synchro deck because of staple synchro monsters like Stardust, Black Rose, and Archfiend that can count towards the three dragon requirement AND act as a tuner monster for it. [spoiler=Divine Revolver Dragon]Divine Revolver DragonDragon/Synchro/Effect2200/2900/Light/Level 81 tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monstersThis card's type is also treated as "machine". This card can only be synchro summoned if "Divine Revolver - Ivory Sunrise" is in your graveyard. Place 1 "bullet counter" on this card each time a monster is destroyed by a card effect. This card gains 300 ATK for each "bullet counter" on it. If this card would be destroyed by an effect, you can remove 2 "bullet counters" to negate that effect. This is the only card that "needs" it's support card to work. I think it's pretty self explanatory and fairly versatile. [spoiler=Impact Dragon]Impact DragonDragon/Synchro/Effect3500/1600/Earth/Level 111 tuner monster + 2 or more non-tuner monstersWhen this card is synchro summoned and you have at least 15 monsters in your graveyard, you can remove all monster in your graveyard from play. If you do, destroy all cards on the field except for "Impact Dragon". This card is like a more powerful version of Blackrose Dragon, but adds a more difficult activation condition to make up for it. Most duels are usually over before the graveyard gets that crowded, so the effect won't come into play that often. Aside from that, his attack is actually a little underpowered for his level. This card combos with "Knight of Four Swords" and a level 3 tuner monster for an easy summon. [spoiler=D.D. Phantasm Dragon]D.D. Phantasm DragonDragon/Synchro/Effect?/?/Wind/Level 91 tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monstersThis card can only be synchro summoned if at least 20 cards have been removed from play. This card's original ATK and DEF are equal to those of the tuner monster used to summon it. This card gains 100 ATK and DEF for each card removed from play. I haven't seen any synchro monsters yet that use a "? ATK/DEF effect" so I thought I'd give it a shot. The summoning requirement makes it only really useful in a D.D. or Necroface deck, but guarantees it comes into play with at least 2000/2000, plus whatever the tuner monster had, and then grows from there. The "Necronomicon" trap card is innocent enough on it's own, but really speeds this monster up. [spoiler=Angel Dragon]Angel DragonDragon/Synchro/Effect2500/2100/Light/Level 81 tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monstersOnce per turn, you can remove one monster in your deck from play to special summon one monster from your graveyard with the same level as the removed monster. A monster summoned by this effect cannot attack the turn it is summoned. This card is pretty self explanatory, the real tricky stuff goes on when it's paired with Holy Summoning, since it let's you "brake the rules" about what you can and can't summon from the graveyard. [spoiler=NEW! Sunset Curse Dragon]Sunset Curse DrgaonDragon/Synchro/Effect3000/2000/Dark/Level 81 tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monstersThis card can only be synchro summoned if "Cursed Revolver - Ebony Sunset" is in your graveyard. Once per turn, you can remove the top card of your deck from play, then select one of the effects of "Cursed Revolver - Ebony Sunset" and activate it. This card runs parallel to Divine Revolver Dragon, because it relies on the "revolver" spell card in the graveyard to play it, but I think it's effect is much more potent than Divine Revolver's. However, if you use the abilities to much you'll quickly deplete your deck. I would use this card with Death Synchron. Support Cards[spoiler=NEW! Death Synchron]Fiend/Effect/Tuner500/400/Dark/Level 1When this card is used to synchro summon a DARK attribute synchro monster, you can increase the level of this card by 2. He's adorable isn't he? The picture is from an anime, but only because I couldn't find anything similar that wasn't, and the card isn't based on the anime. That said, I'm surprised a card like this doesn't already exist. It's effect is pretty simple, but it is a tuner, can't make it too complicated. [spoiler=Dark Temple of Dragon Lore]Dark Temple of Dragon LoreField SpellBoth players may treat dragon type fusion monsters in their extra decks as synchro monsters requiring "1 tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monsters" All dragon type monsters on the field gain 200 ATK and DEF. It powers up dragons, but that isn't the main effect. Converting fusion monsters into synchro monsters makes them much more practical, but someone building a deck around this card and taking an opponent by surprise does have an unfair advantage. Would probably by "limited" to say the least. [spoiler=NEW! Cursed Revolver - Ebony Sunset]Continuous SpellWhen this card is activated, place 6 "bullet counters" on it. Once per turn, you can remove 1 bullet counter to activate one of the following effects.- Destroy 1 face up monster on the field.- Negate a card effect that would destroy this face up card.- Inflict 800 LP of damage to your opponent.If there are no "bullet counters" on this card, destroy it and inflict 3000 LP of damage to it's controller. So, when compared to Divine Revolver - Ivory Sunrise, this one is more powerful, but has a greater cost. You get more shots and more potent effects with each shot, but when you run out of shots you take 3000 damage. Not too nice. [spoiler=Divine Revolver - Ivory Sunrise]Divine Revolver - Ivory SunriseContinuous SpellWhen this card is activated, place 4 "bullet counters" on this card. Once per turn, you may remove 1 "bullet counter" to activate one of the following effects:- Destroy 1 face-up spell or trap card on the field.- Negate the effect of a card that would destroy this card.- Inflict 500 point of damage to your opponent.If there are no "bullet counters" on this card, destroy this card. This card is versatile, but has limited uses and wipes itself out when they run out. It's needed to be in the graveyard to summon "Divine Revolver Dragon". [spoiler=NEW! Death Omen - Ace]Trap CardDestroy 1 monster card on the field and negate it's effect. If "Death Omen - Grim" is in your graveyard, you can destroy all monster on the field and negate their effects. This and "Death Omen - Grim" would be limited in real gameplay. This card basically fries a monster, but if the other card is in the graveyard it turns into Raigeki. The card is based off the idea that the "Ace of Spades" symbolizes death... somehow. [spoiler=NEW! Death Omen - Grim]Trap CardDestroy 1 spell or trap card on the field and negate it's effect. If "Death Omen - Ace" is in your graveyard, you can destroy all spell and trap cards on the field and negate their effects. Like "Death Omen - Ace", this card is limited. Basically, it's MST when it's used on it's own, and Harpie's Feather Duster when the other card is in the graveyard. Based on... yeah, don't need to explain. [spoiler=Knight of Four Swords]Warrior/Effect1300/1000/Wind/Level 3During your main phase, you can release this card to special summon four "Knight of Four Swords Tokens" (1000 ATK / 1000 DEF / Warrior / Wind / Level 2) to your side of the field. These tokens are destroyed during your next standby phase. This card can "split itself" into four for a single turn, but is then destroyed afterwards. It obviously has some attacking potential, including OTK potential with something like "The A. Forces" in play. But the real draw of the card is the ability to use the tokens as material for high level or synchro monsters. [spoiler=Necronomicon]Continuous TrapDuring each player's standby phase, remove the top card of that player's deck from play. Simple, but good. This would be great for milling and D.D. decks, but not Lightsworns. It's slower than other milling methods, but compiles to great effect as time passes. [spoiler=Holy Summoning]Holy SummoningPay 2000 LP. Select 1 monster in your hand, deck, or graveyard with an effect that reads "This card cannot be normal summoned or set." or "This card can only be special summoned by..." During this turn, that monster can be normal summoned, set, or special summoned without these restrictions. Alright, I'm confident I messed up the OCG on that one, but I couldn't think of a better way to word it. Basically, this card allows you to "bend the summoning rules" for a turn and ignore a portion of a card effect preventing summoning. With this card you could, for example, summon a ritual monster with a tribute summon, or take a card with very specific summoning conditions, like Dark Eradicator Warlock or Blue Eyes Shining Dragon and summon them normally. There are obviously several ways to abuse this card, and not all of them involve "Angel Dragon", but it helps. What do you think? Should I have set the activation cost higher? First post, so I'm not positive I did this right... :? What do you think? I tried to make them balanced, but I'm sure there are ways around the restrictions. Also, I know the OCG for "Holy Summoning" is way off, anyone have a better idea? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost Soul Posted October 18, 2009 Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 wrong sec, put it in Any Other Cards then Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShootingTheMoon Posted October 18, 2009 Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 You don't have to report him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rise of the Eldrazi Posted October 18, 2009 Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 Aside from some OCG, these are great for a new member! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Excallibur Posted October 18, 2009 Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 I like em 8/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ragnarok1945 Posted October 18, 2009 Report Share Posted October 18, 2009 OCG errors aside, a few have bland effects but for someone new they're considered well done 8.1/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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