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Race of the Norsemen

Frozen Judgment

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[spoiler=Effect]This card can only be activated when you can your opponent each control a Warrior-Type monster. Both players select 1 Warrior-Type monster they control. Flip both the selected cards face down. The selected cards cannot be removed from the field or flipped face up. Whenever a player inflicts Battle Damage to the other player, they can put 1 Win Counter on their face down card. The first player to have 5 Win Counters on their face down card can flip their face down card face up and gain 1000 Life Points. The flipped card gains 800 ATK. While a player controls the flipped card the other player must destroy a card they control during each of their Standby Phases.


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Well, I made this card for fun basically and I wanted to try something new... Wasn't meant to be competitive but here's an example I just used random warrior monsters btw. I also changed it from gaining 2000 life points to 1000:




(Oh, this card can also prevent nasty OTKs by JD and the likes. Cause the monsters can't be removed from the field.)


Opponent controls: Goyo Guardian


You control: Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior


Opponent: Muhahaha! I'm gonna destroy your Garoth with my Goyo!


You: Yeah?! I activate Race of the Norsemen!


Opponent: FUUUUUU!!!!!


You: If you have a monster with more than 2000 ATK you can simply destroy Goyo then you're almost guaranteed the effect of this card. If not, then just try to inflict battle damage to your opponent.


Both players: Try to inflict battle damage to each other


If you get the card effect: You get a big advantage over your opponent.


If your opponent gets the card effect: They get a big advantage over you.


Yeahhh.... That's basically what happens. This is a pretty random example but I'm sure somebody might find a way to use this card.

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