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7 Deadly Sins (Trap Monsters)


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A bunch of Trap Cards that are based on the 7 deadly sins...

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[align=center][spoiler=Card Rulings]

-These cards are STILL treated as a Trap Card when it is Special Summoned on the field. So effects that destroy Trap Cards like Mystical Space Typhoon or effects that negate Trap Cards like Jinzo can still affect this cards.

-You CANNOT move these cards back to your Spell/Trap Card Zone on the same turn you Special Summon these cards and vice versa.

-Special Summoning these cards or moving them back to your Spell/Trap Card Zone is OPTIONAL.



[spoiler=Wrath]mortalsinwrath.jpg[spoiler=Text]During your Standby Phase, you can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon this card to your Monster Card Zone and have it treated as an Effect Monster Card (Spellcaster-Type/DARK/10 Stars/ATK 3500/DEF 3000) OR move it back to your Spell/Trap Card Zone. When this card is treated as a monster, you can attack all your opponent's monsters. When this card is in your Spell/Trap Card Zone, you can increase the ATK of 1 monster you control by 1000. Destroy that monster during your End Phase.



[spoiler=Sloth]mortalsinsloth.jpg[spoiler=Text]During your Standby Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon this card and have it treated as an Effect Monster Card (Spellcaster-Type/DARK/1 Stars/ATK 0/DEF 0) OR move it back to your Spell/Trap Card Zone. When this card is treated as a monster, you can discard 1 card from your hand to negate the activation of a Spell Card / Trap Card / Normal Summon / Flip Summon / Special Summon and destroy the Spell Card, Trap Card, or Summoned monster. When this card is in your Spell/Trap Card Zone, your opponent cannot activate card effects that activete during his/her Standby Phase.



[spoiler=Pride]mortalsinpride.jpg[spoiler=Text]During your Standby Phase, you can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon this card to your Monster Card Zone and have it treated as an Effect Monster Card (Spellcaster-Type/DARK/6 Stars/ATK 0/DEF 3000) OR move it back to your Spell/Trap Card Zone. When this card is treated as a monster, all your opponent's monsters whose ATK is higher than the DEF of this card cannot attack. When this card is in your Spell/Trap Card Zone, your opponent must show all cards in his/her hand everytime he/she draws a card.



[spoiler=Lust]mortalsinlust.jpg[spoiler=Text]During your Standby Phase, you can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon this card and have it treated as an Effect Monster Card (Spellcaster-Type/DARK/7 Stars/ATK 2800/DEF 2000) OR move it back to your Spell/Trap Card Zone. When this card is treated as a monster, your opponent cannot select another monster as an attack target other than this card. When this card is in your Spell/Trap Card Zone, during your Battle Phase, you can reduce the ATK of an attacking monster your opponent controls by half until your End Phase.



[spoiler=Greed]mortalsingreed.jpg[spoiler=Text]During your Standby Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon this card and have it treated as an Effect Monster Card (Spellcaster-Type/DARK/4 Stars/ATK 0/DEF 2000) OR move it back to your Spell/Trap Card Zone. When this card is treated as a monster, draw 1 card each time a monster declares an attack. When this card is in your Spell/Trap Card Zone, draw cards until you have 5 cards during your Draw Phase. When you have 5 cards or more in your hand, you cannot perform your Draw Phase.



[spoiler=Gluttony]mortalsinglutonny.jpg[spoiler=Text]During your Standby Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon this card and have it treated as an Effect Monster Card (Spellcaster-Type/DARK/4 Stars/ATK 0/DEF 2000) OR move it back to your Spell/Trap Card Zone. When this card is treated as a monster, You can send any number of cards you control to the Graveyard to increase your Life Points equal to the number of cards sent to the Graveyard x 500 during your End Phase. When this card is in your Spell/Trap Card Zone,when you destroy a monster as a result of battle, you can return that monster to your opponent's Deck to increase your Life Points equal to half the ATK of the returned monster.



[spoiler=Envy]mortalsinenvy.jpg[spoiler=Text]During your Standby Phase, you can pay 1000 Life Points t0 Special Summon this card and have it treated as an Effect Monster Card (Spellcaster-Type/DARK/7 Stars/ATK ?/DEF ?) OR move it back to your Spell/Trap Card Zone. When this card is treated as a monster, the ATK and DEF of this card is equal to the highest ATK and DEF of a monster your opponent controls. When this card is in your Spell/Trap Card Zone, you can discard all cards in your hand to return the highest level monster(s) on the field to the owner's hand during End Phase.



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