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Silver Lining

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Figure out the following riddles without using any references. (i.e. Google, asking someone.. ect.) They are very simple, so you shouldn't have to research anything anyways. Once they are answered, I'll post more and so on.


#1. A cowboy leaves town on Friday, and leaves 3 days later on Friday. How did he do it?

Answer: His horses name was Friday.


#2. A black dog is sleeping in the middle of a black road that has no streetlights and there is no moon. A car coming down the road- with its lights off- steers around the dog. How did the driver know the dog was there?

Answer: It was daylight.


#3. You are in a room that is completely bricked in on all four sides, including the ceiling and floor. You have nothing but a mirror and a wooden table in the room with you. How do you get out?

Answer: You look in the mirror and see what you saw. You take the saw and cut the table in half. You put the two halves together and make a whole. You jump out the hole.


#4. Who spends the day at the window, goes to the table for meals, and hides at night?

Answer: A fly.


#5. I am a box that hides keys without locks, but yet they can unlock your soul. Who am I?

Answer: A piano.


#6. Ten mens strength, ten mens length, ten men can't break it and yet and young boy walks off with it. What is it?

Answer: A rope.


#7. I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?


#8. It barks but never sleeps. Itches when you don't scratch it. Never dies, but was never born. You can hold it in your hand, but not in a bucket. It can save you life if you never use it and it can never fall if you don't drop it. What is it?


#9.I am ten times the amount, yet always smaller; I roll and I roll, but I'm not a baller. I stink like feet when a tree's not around, but if I fly I get stuck in the ground. what am I?

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Figure out the following riddles without using any references. (i.e. Google' date=' asking someone.. ect.) They are very simple, so you shouldn't have to research anything anyways. Once they are answered, I'll post more and so on.


#1. A cowboy leaves town on Friday, and leaves 3 days later on Friday. How did he do it?


#2. A black dog is sleeping in the middle of a black road that has no streetlights and there is no moon. A car coming down the road- with its lights off- steers around the dog. How did the driver know the dog was there?


#3. You are in a room that is completely bricked in on all four sides, including the ceiling and floor. You have nothing but a mirror and a wooden table in the room with you. How do you get out?


#1 and #2: what Felix said


#3 You look in the mirror and see what you saw. You pick up the saw and cut the table in half. You put the two half of the table together to mahe a whole. You jump out the hole.

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#1: His horse's name was Friday.


#2: It's daytime.


#3: You look in the mirror to see what you saw' date=' take the saw, cut the table in half, and put it together to make a whole. Then you escape through said hole.


First riddle isn't original.



I didn't promise originality, did I?


Anyways, good job to everyone who got them right. 3 more added (:

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