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Exodia AND Crystal Beasts? Surely you jest.....


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I sh!t you not ;) tested it in WC09 and it DOES work, it's tough to pull off, but it DOES work!!!


Monsters: 20

x5 Exodia Peices

x3 Pegasus

x3 Tiger

x2 Cat

x2 Tortise (defense)

x1 Ruby

x1 Rescue Cat

x3 Krebons


Spells: 17

x3 Ruins

x2 Abundance

x1 Tree

x1 Dark Factory of Mass Production

x3 Rare Value

x2 Beacon

x1 E-Tele

x3 Blessing

x1 MST


Traps: 5

x3 Reckless

x1 Torrental

x1 Back Up Solider


Total: 42


Synchros: 15

x1 Brionac

x3 AFD (Ancient Fairy Dragon)

x11 Generic


is this a wierd build? yes

does the strategy always work? hell no


however, this have to be one of the funnest decks i ever ran, and incase you're wondering this is how it works:


You'll need 3 CB's in your spell and trap zone, then either us Beacon or just summon Pegasus for your 4th, play Ruins and use the effect to draw a card (YOU MUST HAVE 5 OR MORE CARDS IN YOUR HAND FOR THIS TO WORK!!!) then use E-Tele for Krebons, tune for Brionac, use the effect, discard and send Ruins back to your hand, use Ruins again and draw with 4 CB effect, repeat until all 5 peices are drawn, use BUS to retreieve any lost peices


that's about it, i got it to work 3 times outta 5 for it does work, but it's hard to do trust me! ;) Next time you play WC09 give it a shot!

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