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Blood Magic Seal


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Pay half your Life Points. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, whenever your opponent Summons a monster in Attack Position, you may lower its ATK by 2000, and whenever your opponent Summons a monster in Defense position, you may lower its DEF by 2000. If either ATK or DEF points is lowered to 0, that monster is destroyed and removed from play, and any effects it has are negated. During each End Phase, you must remove from play 1 DARK monster you control. If you cannot, this card is destroyed.

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The effect is very similar to Slifer The Sky Dragon. It has a nice picture, OCG looks good, but might be overpowered, because it would be impossible for the opponent to summon a strong enough monster (unless they have monsters on the field before this card is activated)




EDIT- Kudos on making a Trap Field card. I like it.

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And i thought i was the only one who made a field trap... i changed it because people told me too :(. Anyway, good card, but the effect is really cool with horrible drawbacks. For this card to do barely any damage, you would need to get a deck full of DARK monsters, or just really good luck.


Yes i used a backslash. Tough.

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People, stop rating down for it being a Trap Field Spell. This happens to be a very creative idea!

OCG looks good enough, but this card is to OPed. I would suggest you up the drawback a bit. Then you'll have a good card. Kudos on this! 7.5/10

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