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-Do not add a description in an effect for an Effect monster. 95% of these cards are supposed to be Normal Monsters.

- "GirAtina" is overpowered.

-Do not make fake Types, or use two Types. Not all monsters should be "Beast". For example:

Oddish: Plant-Type

Golem: Rock-Type

Mew + Mewtwo: Psychic-Type

-Why do several of them have the Union Subtype?


Overall, 3/10. If you want more help, you can PM me.

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LoL, you cant call them noob only because they gave you the right rate. All pics are bad, have Fake-types and are Overpowered or Underpowered. Effect monster shouldn't have description. Honestly, they tried to help you. If you dont want help, just say and dont call them noob. It's understandble you'r new, and me too, but it won't resolve nothing. 4/10

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Oh man, what can I say? Urm... you really should specify what "Evolve" means, 'cause technically, although they're Pokemon based, they're still Yu-Gi-Oh and you should probably say "Special Summon" or something else. Also, you need another type OTHER than Beast-Type (e.g: Geodude- Rock-Type / Entei- Pyro-Type) or whatever else you think is appropriate.

If you wanna look at MY pokemon cards (still in the making), follow this link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-164140.html


To be fair, I won't rate your cards, but just know that you could improve them (no offence) A LOT. Good luck!

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Oh man' date=' what can I say? Urm... you really should specify what "Evolve" means, 'cause technically, although they're Pokemon based, they're still Yu-Gi-Oh and you should probably say "Special Summon" or something else. Also, you need another type OTHER than Beast-Type (e.g: Geodude- Rock-Type / Entei- Pyro-Type) or whatever else you think is appropriate.

If you wanna look at MY pokemon cards (still in the making), follow this link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-164140.html


To be fair, I won't rate your cards, but just know that you could improve them (no offence) A LOT. Good luck!



Agreed. This Set still needs tuning to it.

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