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Rey Mysterio and David Batista's current relationship

Hijacked Heart

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[align=center]For those of you that havent seen the most recent WWE Smackdown presentation involving Batista and Mysterio here is some brief bullet points on what happened.


. Rey Mysterio took Batista's chance of a pin fall during a fatal four way (no lulz on this pl0z ;) )


. Rey Mysterio called Batista out to the ring and tried to apologize and plead for his forgivness as he didnt know the match would effect there relationship


. Batista took Mysterio down


(This was all from memory so sorry if its not all completly accurate but that is more or less what happened.)


Discuss how you think there relationship will progress after this. Personally I think Rey will get fed up with Batista not forgiving him and challange him to a one on one or something.[/align]

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It's another Cena-Orton rivalry! I saw the review' date=' Batista is turning heel definatly.


I know right but IMO Batista shouldnt first Rey got abandoned by Eddie through no fault of Eddie but now Batista is just going down a different road infact I think he may go in a tag team against Mysterio or something with Orton.


But for the wrighters something that I think will cause great conflict would be if Batista fought Mysterio in a tag team with Chavo on his side.

It's another Cena-Orton rivalry! I saw the review' date=' Batista is turning heel definatly.



Cena & Rey tag like da old timezz FTW :P


If it does turn out this way, I hope Rey wins in the end.

Yah But TBH I don't think he will I mean Batista will obviously get one over on Rey D:

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