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Why does nobody run this?

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I guess 1 wouldn't be so bad...

Maybe a side?


There are pretty much two things a Side Deck can do:


1) It can provide cards that work very well to counter specific decks you expect to face but that wouldn't be useful against other opposing decks. For example, you might put, I don't know, Light-Imprisoning Mirror (just as an example) in your Side Deck because you want it available for the Lightlord match but don't want it bogging you down when you're facing Blackwings.


2) It can transform your deck into a different deck, thus catching your opponent off-guard, screwing up their siding, and giving you an out for matchups where your main build is weak. This isn't so common nowadays, but back in the day it wasn't uncommon for Macro Monarchs and Perfect Circle Monarchs to be able to side into one another, or for DDT and Explosion FTK to do likewise; I suppose you'd be most likely to use such a Side Deck in Lightlords to shift either from a pure build to a hybrid build or between two different hybrid builds.


Using the Side Deck for a card like this, which doesn't counter any specific opposing deck and doesn't transform your own deck, is a waste.

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