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-{Contest}-Frogs Galore-{Contest}-


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can i join, even though i'm under 4 stars

seriously i ran a frog deck quite a while ago....


monsters 20

abyss soldier x2

submarine frog x3

dupe frog x3

des frog x3

mother grizzly x2

swap frog x3

treeborn frog

unifrog x2

penguin soldier x1


Spells 13

pot of avarice x2

salvage x2

level limit B

wetlands x3

HS x1

scapegoat x1

des croaking x2

lightning vortex x1


traps 7

froggy forcefield x1

MM (if you wanna go low budget this card can be replaced by FF) x1

Aegis of the Ocean lord x3

robbin' goblin x1

TT x1


alright play book


Mainly frog decks are for swarming, and killing your opponent EXTREMELY fast before they can get a lock in play, or out swarm you. You don't wanna be too dependent on loads of frog monsters, because they have weak base attack and will probably end up being useless draws.


mother grizzly can easily bring any frog you desire, depending on the situation, so you don't actually need lots of copies of every frog, because they can easily be recycled. Abuse Substitoad (not once per turn) get dupe frog then tribute it to get another, etc, this will stack your graveyard real quick along with your hand (dupe frogs effect). then use cards like salvage/pot to really stack up your hand. This will give you major field control and allow you to get wetlands real quick.


wetlands and subfrog and level limit will rape your opponent (beatdown), goblin is really effective, because you can get hand control, this will force your opponent to set their cards. Des croaking can easily wipe their field, when they set everything. abyss soldier also works with goblin, since your hand is so stacked you can bounce their field to easily! and go for a major smack. swapfrog can be used to rush your opponent really quickly, you could also abuse Substitoad with scapegoats.


NOTE: des frogs/dupe frog can easily be summoned by Substitoad

NOTE 2: robin goblin works well with abyss (return, then smack to discard card returned) penguin soldier (flip smack/discard the cards returned, plus it gains bonus to wetlands) subfrog (piercing makes them discard) unifrog can attack directly so thats an instant discard.


Substitoad makes dupe frog buff, dupe frog forces your opponent to attack him

aegis prevents frog from being destroyed (can chain with TT)

LV, can discard treeborn comes back and wipe field

rape beatdown monsters by FF, MF, Level limit, abyss soldier, penguin S (don't be afraid to dump monsters, because they can be refilled really fast)



here's some reference (seriously i ran the deck i would know)

rush your opponent real quick, inflict as much damage as possible, RG kills them!!!

don't let them lock you, wear them down with level limit and SPAM abyss to get them open

don't run lot's of copies, you can easily search with grizzly and recycle cards (useless draws can be devastating, plus Substitoad can get them out easily)


sorry but i'm horrible at explaining

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Substitoad x3

Dupe Frog x3

Des Frog x3

Treeborn Frog

Submarine Frog x3

Unifrog x3

Swap Frog x3



Moray Of Greed x2

Pot Of Avarice x3

Salvage x2


Des Croaking x3

Wetlands x3

One For One



Aegis Of The Ocean Dragon Lord x3

Froggy Forcefield x3




Meh. Use Substitoad to send a lot of Frogs to the Grave, then refill hand/deck with Salvage, Moray Of Greed and Pot Of Avarice. Swap Frog can be Special Summoned easily from the hand by discarding a WATER, and can send Treeborn to Grave. Use Swap Frog with Substitoad/Scapegoat to fill the field with Des Frog and use Des Croaking. Swap 'em ou for Submarine Frog, activate Wetlands, and swing for a lot of damage.


Alternately, use Substitoad to bring out Dupe Frog. Not destroyed by battle through Substitoad's effect, and Dupe Frog blocks any attacks to other monsters. Combo this with Unifrog.


Aegis protects Frogs from Torrential, Mirror Force, etc., and Froggy Forcefield protects them from being overpowered.

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Alright, finally a Froggy contest.

However, I find the Star part somewhat of a discrimination...


Frogs are one of my main decks and if there's a deck I know how to play with, it's them.

...can I bribe you with Points?


I can show my frog deck topic if you want to verify it's quality.

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Okay then.



3x Des Frog

3x Dupe Frog

3x Flip Flop Frog

3x Mother Grizzly

3x Substitoad

2x T.A.D.P.O.L.E.

2x Unifrog

1x Treeborn Frog



3x Des Croaking

3x Wetlands

2x Inferno Reckless Summon

3x Pot Of Avarice

1x Brain Control

1x One For One



3x Threatening Roar

3x Aegis of the Ocean dragon lord

1x TT



Not really necessary, but can include a few useful monsters with different levels just in case


1x Stardust Dragon

1x Armory Arm

1x Magical Android

1x Black Rose Dragon





The general idea is to summon 3 Des Frogs in order to activate Des Croaking or in case this is out of your reach, you can make use of Wetlands in combination with the Dupe Frog Lock and Flip Flop Frog to clear your opponents field off monsters and Unifrog to clear potential threats from the back-rows. In order to set the field to your liking, this deck is geared towards Stall tactics so you can peacefully wait for the cards you need; combinations such as the Dupe Frog Lock, which can be formed with 2 Dupe Frogs or with Substitoad and Dupe Frog, and cards like Threatening Roar and Aegis can help you protect your monsters and LP.


Now to explain how a few cards work:


Pot of Avarice

-this card is best used with Substitoad. While you have Substitoad and another monster, simply use Substitoad's effect until there are 5 monsters in your Graveyard; this will turn Poa into a potential Pot Of Greed.


One For One

-aside from summoning Substitoad, this can be used to quickly gain the 3 Des Frogs you need to activate Des Croaking. In order to do this, you need 1 Des Frog and 1 T.A.D.P.O.L.E. in your hand; simply discard the T.A.D.P.O.L.E. and special summon the other one from your deck, after that simply tribute it to summon Des Frog which will activate it's effect. This might be a bit hard to pull off, but it's not bad to keep it in mind.


Inferno Reckless Summon

-While not necessary, it can be helpful; for example: By summoning Dupe Frog with Substitoad's effect, you can summon additional Des Frogs which will let you activate Des Croaking. Another use of this card is that it helps you set the Dupe Frog Lock when used with

Substitoad (again, a bit hard to pull off, but can be helpful)


Brain Control

-this card has many uses; from simply taking you opponent's monster for an attack and the tribute summon of Des Frog, to taking Tuner monsters or using Substitoads effect.



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Zelda has been having computer troubles and has asked me to bump this.


He also told me to tell you that this is the last bump and if his computer is still messed up he will have me do the judging.


He also said that this is the last bump and I should do the judging as soon as this hits page 2...

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3| Dupe Frog

3| Substitoad

3| Flip Flop Frog

3| Submarine Frog

3| Swap Frog

3| Unifrog

1| Treeborn Frog



3| Wetlands

1| Terraforming

2| Salvage

2| Moray of Greed

1| One for One

2| Water Hazard

1| Big Wave Small Wave



3| Aegis of the Ocean dragon lord

1| Mirror

2| Froggy Force Field

1| TT

2| Threatening Roar


Play Book:

I didn't use here all the old frogs,(Des Frod,T.A.D.E.P.O.L.E, etc.),except Treeborn, becase I wanted to be original and I dont like them so much S:

so baisiclly, Summon Substitoad as fast as possible, and the get Dupe Frog, Flip Flop Frog and Unifrog to lock your opponent and win.

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